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The terms "piece of shit", "douchebag" and "asshole" are not overly nice – in the heat of the moment though, I don't care – and are thrown around quite a bit, so I've coined a new one: Jay-sin.

Definition: a man who lies to a woman's face, cheats, manipulates, is a user, has bad intentions, takes advantage, and wants to have his cake and eat it too.

Jaysin doesn't give a fuck about you and generally has a girlfriend on the side. He will tell you that he loves you and doesn't want to see other people, but he's lying.

He can be old or young, so don't assume that with age comes wisdom and maturity because you'd be a fool to believe that. Whether he is a few years older than you, or almost old enough to be your dad, he is to be treated the exact same.

Younger men may just be immature, but second chances shouldn't be given out easily. You must use your own judgment on whether or not the issue will matter in a year's time. If you caught him physically cheating with another woman, he's done.

Old men tend to like younger women because – let's be honest here, we're fucking gorgeous at the ripe age of eighteen – we don't age as well as wine. They are however, master manipulators and you should never have a long-term relationship with one. If he's your sugar daddy, that's one thing, but for him to marry you and have kids with you is just wrong, honey. Do not let him fool you into thinking you're the only one.

Once a cheater, always a cheater. If you smell it, see it, or are told about it, don't just let his convincing look-me-in-the-eyes gaze allow you to forgive everything. You knew in your gut and even in your heart that he was a bastard and you still gave him a second chance. Now you're so insecure about things that you won't be able to trust that nice guy you'll stumble upon. You know, the one whom you don't know what you did to deserve. Yeah, that one.

There are all types of wolves out there and we need to educate each other and help one another to protect our: sisters, cousins, nieces, and daughters.

Love isn't enough. Sometimes love is blind and misses things. This is where we come in. Be aware of these scoundrels.


– All good women everywhere

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