My Girl

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My girl is unlike any other. My girl is unique and she is all mine. My girl is beautiful in her own way and I love her just the way she is.

My girl and I have been through a lot together: from good times and bad times, to carefree times and confusing times. We've always stuck together through it all and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Some people ask me how I manage to live my life with her, perhaps they just can't wrap their heads around how proud I am to have my girl in my life. Some people say it would be easier without her, but I see it as being the complete opposite. She has helped me be strong as she is strong herself, and she has shown me what real perseverance is like.

Not every day is perfect with her. She has been mean, rude, ignorant, selfish and very inconsiderate at times with surprise visits.

When we do get along though – which is more often than not – we have the best time in the world together. We carry on together like the other isn't even there, like we were made for each other. It's like two people skipping along hand in hand to the same beat.

We go out together, go on dates, hangout with friends and family, and of course, relax with those days and nights inside with popcorn and a movie. We sometimes even have alone time together where things can get naughty, occasionally with another guest.

You might be wondering what type of girl I have in my life and I would answer your question simply: an amazing one.

She loves the water and any chance to get wet – she likes it, with, or without clothes on. This does frustrate me at times because I end up getting dragged along as a passenger.

Sure, life with my girl isn't always fair, but it's a life that I wouldn't change for the world. I am happy with her and I know she is happy with me. We take care of each other in our times of need and sometimes I feel like we could live our life together without anyone else.

My girl has many names, just as anyone else would have, but the name she was born with, is vagina.

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