Chapter 37

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When I woke up I was on a bed on the side of JJ. "Oh god JJ," I said getting up but Cam stopped me. "Lay back down Mya. What where you thinking. You could have killed yourself," Cam said as I laid back down. "I was thinking about JJ. That's what I was thinking. He got hit by a drunk driver," I some what yelled. JJ's eyes flickered open and he turned his head towards me. His eyes went wide. "What happened," he asked worriedly. "She took Nash's car and she collapsed in the hospital parking lot," Cam said. "Ok I get it I fucked up. What else do you want to lecture me about," I said turning away from them. Cam took a deep breath and I heard him leave the room. "He cares about you," JJ said. "I know but sometimes he cares too much," I sighed. "He doesn't want to loose you like Kate," he said sadly. That name. It killed me.


Junior Year. Cam and Kate where making out on a rock. Me and the other boys where just talking. "Oh I have an idea," Kate slurred. She was obviously drunk along with everyone else well except for me and Nash. Kate began to strip down to her underwear and bra and then she jumped into the lake. She swam out far and then she just drowned.

-End of Flashback-

Cam was crushed. He lost his best friend. His girlfriend, and the love of his life. He was heartbroken. And that day I lost one of my closet friends. "Please can we not bring her up," I sniffled brushing away my tears. "Sorry," JJ said. Cam came back with the doctor and I signed out. "Go home and get some rest," the doctor said leaving the room. I looked at JJ. "Don't worry. I'm gonna be fine. Noe go home and rest," JJ smiled. I nodded and went over to him and gave him a gentle hug. "See you later J," I smiled as me and Cam left the room. As we where walking out of the hospital Cam just stopped and looked at me. "JJ was right. I don't want to loose you," he said kissing me.

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