Chapter 48

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-A month Later-

Right now I'm in the bathroom with Nash holding my hair back as I hurl into a toilet. "I'm sorry Mya. I didn't mean to get you sick," Nash apologized again. "It's not your fault," I coughed. He just rubbed my back and helped me up. "It's the stomach flu Mya. This flu isn't pretty," Nash said. "Nash I would have got it somehow anyways. Stop worrying and just get me some clothes. I want to take a bath," I sighed. Nash nodded and headed off into my bedroom to get clothes for me. When he came back he handed me my clothes and headed out. I removed my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. God I hate my body. I turned a little to see my stomach. I'm so fat. Gotta lose this weight. I headed over to the bath tub and filled it with warm water.

-After her bath-

God I feel so much better. After getting dressed I ran downstairs to find Nash sitting on the coach. "Hey gonna go out for awhile," I said grabbing my keys off the table. "Woah your still sick," Nash said grabbing my arm. "I think I'm fine now. I'll be with JJ and Nessa. If anything goes wrong I will have them bring me home," I smiled. "Fine. But call me when your on your way back " he said hugging me. "Yes dad," I teased messing up his hair. "Just shut up and go before I change my mind," he said.

-4 months later-

It's scaring me. The thought of it. What's Cam gonna think. I wiped away the tears when there was a knock at my door. "Who is it," I sniffled. "Take a guess," Cam's voice called out. "Cam," I said not believing who it is. "Yeah. Hey why's you door locked," he asked. I slowly got up and went and unlocked the door. I opened it and was instally picked up and pulled into a kiss. I felt myself start to cry more. "Babe what's wrong?"

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