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A/N okAY IM STILL CRYING OVER THE SEASON 6 miD SEASON PREMIER AHHH WHYYY. okay continue while I pull myself together


Evelyn's P.O.V

"MOM!!" My sister Enid screamed I turned around to see my mom being devoured by one of those things.

My dad ran over to try to help but he got bit. Enid was crying into my arms and I couldn't do anything but stand there. It's like everything was happening in slow motion.

Enid pulled me by my arm and started running.

"Evelyn.... Evelyn... EVELYN!!" Enid yelled pulling me out of whatever was going on with me.

"We gotta go!" She said and I heard the groaning noises from behind me, I grabbed my backpacks and my mom and dads guns p, which were laying on the ground.

We ran and ran until there were no more groaning noises.

"Where are w-we?" I stuttered

"I have no idea.."  Enid muttered wiping away a tear

We walked in silence for about a hour until Enid saw something

She walked over to it, it was a sign


"Alexandria?" I spoke up

"We should go!" I mentioned before Enid could say anything

"Wait, this place could be bad!" Enid said looking really worried

"Enid, it's okay, we can just try it out, plus mom and dad.... Would want us to be safe.." I said the last part quieter

Enid looked at me questionably until something snapped her out her daze.

There was something in the woods

"Show yourself or you're dead!" Enid yelled, pulling out her gun while I pulled out my machete

"It's a roamer.." I said and walked over to it, cutting its head off

<_><_>1 HOUR LATER<_><_>

We saw.. Houses

"Enid!" I nudged her arm and she looked up from the ground

"Look, it's houses, and.... A gate!" A cheered and we heard voices.

Enid and I looked at each other, alarmed and we ran to the nearest, burned down house.

We hid behind the burned up couch.. Well, what's left of it.

We saw a man walk up to the gate

"Spencer! Open up!" The man yelled pounding on the gate a few times.

'Spencer' opened up the gate and he ran in.

Enid and I looked at each other.

"We should wait a little bit..." Enid said and I agreed.

We sat down and opened up our backpacks, pulling out some food.

I opened my granola bar and Enid pulled out beans.

"Enid! You know.... What beans do to you!" I whispered the last part and she laughed and ate them anyways.... Yay

We waited about another hour and it was getting dark.

"It's now or never.." I said pulling my backpack over my shoulder.

Enid nodded and grabbed my hand

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