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A/N hey so this might be a extra long chapter :))

Evelyn's P.O.V

"Gutting them?" I asked with a disgusted face

"Yes. Their smell will make the other walkers think we're like them.. Trust me. I've done it before.. I need bed sheets! As many as you can find!" Rick blabbered and I reached for the stack of bed sheets on the night stand

Michonne and Rick quickly started cutting the walkers open

I cringed at the noise and sight of the walkers being torn apart

It was Carl and I's job to cut neck holes in all the bed sheets

Once we were done we put them on we waited for ricks instructions

"Okay! Now I need you all to smother yourselves with the guts.." Rick said and grabbed a bunch of guts and blood and put them on his sheet

I looked around the room and it looked like father Gabriel looked like he was about to throw up

Poor guy
Oh well.. It is the zombie apocalypse

I shrugged and dug my hands in the guts

I quickly threw the guts on me and Carl joined in

Once the front of my sheet was finished Carl did the back and I did his

"Mom?" We heard a little voice say


"Honey it's okay. We have to do this to be able to live!" Jessie said kneeling down to his height

"But, mom are we the monsters now?" Sam asked lightly

"We have to pretend to be like them!" Jessie said and put a bed sheet over sams head

After putting the blood and guts on Sam we stood at the top of the stairs

I gulped

"It's okay.." Carl said weakly as Rick handed Judith to Carl

They carefully put her under carls sheet and we all linked hands

I grabbed onto Carl's and Michonnes hand

Rick was leading with Jessie, Sam and Ron following, then Carl, then me, Michonne, and father Gabriel.

Rick carefully moved the couch and the walkers let us be.

We carefully walked through the hoard trying to draw no attention to ourselves.

We made or way out to the porch and stood in a line looking out

Carl squeezed my hand

I slowly turned my head and squeezed his hand

Rick carefully started walking down the steps and we all followed

A few minutes felt like hours

Once we reached a little opening we all stood facing different directions

"I don't know how much longer Judith can hold up in there.." Rick said and I slowly pulled out my knife

"I'll take her, I can take all the kids to my church until it calms down.." Gabriel said and Rick looks hesitant

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