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Water surrounded the young troll, herself floating as if she was in a dream, a smile on her face. She looked up towards the surface with a longing feeling in the pit of her stomach, deathly curious of what could be above. She had always been told stories of how cruel and terrifying the above ground was, and she was restricted from going up there. Still, as the water coursed through her gills, she wanted to see what it was like. She decided to attempt to play it in disguise so no one would catch her, so she put her crown and jewelry in a bag she had brought along, and she pulled out a quality robe that was decorated in purple that she had taken from one of the servant's quarters. She pulled in on over her suit, a mischievous smirk on her face.

            She shot through the water like a bullet, having to pull along her long hair, which was a pain whenever she swam as fast as she was in the moment. With a long needed boost of adrenaline, she was able to break the surface, gasping for air as she stuck her head out of water for the very first time. After a minute, she realized something. She didn't have to use her gills. She thought that was fascinating- she didn't have to worry about anything getting clogged.

            She looked at her surroundings before spotting a troll near the surface. They seemed to be around the same age as her, and they weren't really doing anything. She decided it was her chance to see a landweller up close and alive. She quietly ducked back under the water, swimming over to the beach, popping out of the water when she got close enough. She stumbled onto the beach, an excited feeling bubbling up in her chest as her heart beated faster than ever. She quietly snuck up behind the troll, and tapped him curiously.

            The troll whipped around, a surprised look on his face as he stepped back, almost falling over. "W-who are you?" He stuttered, a shocked look on his face. She looked at him curiously before holding out her hand, like she had seen the other officials at the palace do. "I'm Meenah!" She smiled. The other troll warily took her hand after a moment, shaking it slowly. "M-my name is Kankri..." He said, still a little untrusting of this new person. His mother had always told him seadwellers were evil, so he wasn't about to trust this one, even if she was young. "Nice to meet you Kankri!" Meenah exclaimed happily. Landwellers had many things that seadwellers didn't- no fins, no gills, and certainly not the same clothing. "I've never met a landweller before." Meenah said, looking him down. "You seem cool though. " "Thank you." Kankri responded quietly, obviously still unsure about his new acquaintance.

            After a long time of getting to know each other, Meenah noticed Kankri becoming more relaxed and comfortable around her, but she still felt like he didn't trust her for some reason. She ignored it though, in hopes of still being his friend. "KANKRI VANTAS!" a powerful voice called from a cave down along the beach, a distance away from where the two young trolls were standing. Kankri whipped around, a slightly scared expression on his face. "L-listen, Meenah, you need to go. Like NOW." Kankri told her urgently. Meenah, nodded, running into the water. "Meet again here? Same place tomorrow?" Meenah called back, crossing her fingers. "Sure! See you soon!" Kankri smiled before running quickly back to the cave as Meenah delved back into the dark depths of the sea.

            She swam for a while until she reached the palace, putting the robe back in her bag and her jewelry back on. She quickly entered the palace, running into the throne room, past all the guards before being stopped by a taller purpleblood. "Wwhere you going Meenah?" he asked with his signature lisp, raising an eyebrow. "O-oh, hi Cronus. I was going back to my room." She answered as she looked up at him, a slight scowl on her face. Sure, Cronus was nice, but she knew all he cared about was power and money. "Did you find anything cool out in the ocean?" He asked, stepping out of her way before walking beside her. "No." she lied, 'Except for a new friend.' She thought to herself. "You knoww, you shouldn't be out wwithout an escort." He scolded, crossing his arms. "Yeah, whatever." She rolled her eyes before she disappeared into her chambers, slamming the door behind her.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Author's note♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hello! Thanks for reading my fic :33 I've always loved the ship Condesce x Signless, and so I'm doin a lil fic for it :3 I hope you enjoy!

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