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So at school there's a no prolonged hugging rule. I think it's stupid and useless. If you don't agree with me, let me try to change your mind. Now imagine, your suicidal, borderline, bulimic and everyone in your life who says they'll stay leaves.  Ok how do you feel? Now imagine that while dealing with that stuff your mom says she hates you, your not her kid, and she never loved you. Ok, now how do you feel? Well I'm not done yet. Imagine that along with all those things that you believe your worthless, pointless, a mistake, no-one loves you, everything's your fault, and things continually get worse by the minute. Ok finally, how do you feel? Now please give me a high five because I'm not allowed to hug you. Did that high five do anything for your emotions?? Or would you rather have a hug?

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