Chapter 1

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It had been several days since Sharon had found out about the baby but with every day she couldn't find the right way to tell Andy. With the fear that he would think this was a horrible idea she sat in the bathroom stall after taking another pregnancy test. She just needed to be sure that she was really pregnant. Of course it was plain as day and she let out a sigh. Washing her hands quickly she made her way back to her office closing the doors as she tried to think of the best way to tell him. Looking up she looked out seeing Prevenza and Andy laughing about something Sykes looking embarrassed. Andy looked up at the right moment and caught her eye. Her breath caught and she motioned him inside her office. He smiled as he closed the door behind him.

"Close the blinds" She says, she sounds a bit more demanding then she intends to but shakes it off.

"Everything alright Sharon?" Andy asked as he closes the blinds.

She can feel the test in her pocket and she stands up.

"I need to tell you something and I just need to get it over with because I can't keep this from you anymore." Sharon sighs.

"Sharon just tell me." He says.

Reaching into her pocket she pulls out the test handing it to him. He looks at it not saying anything. Closing her eyes she holds back tears till she feels his lips crash into hers. Opening her eyes as he pulls away she looks at him.

"Wait, your okay with this?" She asked.

"Are you kidding? I'm completely fine with this. I mean it's terrifying and amazing all at once."

"No kidding" She breathed.

"Do you know for sure that you are?" He asked the smile unable to leave his lips. She smiles and walks over to her desk pulling out the other tests.

"Every test has been positive, but I have an appointment tomorrow to make sure everything is going well." Sharon explains.

Andy's eyes are glazing over with tears and she moves forward her hands coming to rest on his cheeks.

"You know I love you" He said looking at her.

"I know" She smiles, his hands slip to her stomach and he looks down at the ever so small bump.

"This is really happening?" He asks.

"Looks like it is." She said running her fingers through his silver hair.

She knew this was untraditional and that it could be dangerous for her or the baby but maybe this could turn into a great gift. Andy kissed her again softly and she smiled kissing him back.

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