Chapter 4

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Sharon had been out of work for a little over a week, Emily had gone back to New York and Andy was still working. She was home alone today and had drawn herself a bath. The water felt wonderful on her skin, running her hand over her stomach she sighed closing her eyes. The baby kicked and she smiled.

"Hey you" She said softly "mmm I think daddy should come home don't you?"

The baby continued to kick and she winced slightly.

"Alright buddy, I know you're there." She said rubbing her stomach.

Sometimes she would feel the baby move and remember how completely crazy this all was. She was in her fifty's and pregnant. But at the same time she would feel him kick and she couldn't help but smile and remember how lucky she was. This was indeed crazy but she had been loving every second. Her phone buzzed on the counter and she grabbed it.

'Ugh, I am so done with work. What are you doing?' It was Andy.

'Taking a bath, have you seen or heard anything from Provenza?'

'yeah he's doing better, should be back to at least desk duty soon.'

Sharon sighed putting her phone back down on the counter. Moving she pulled the plug on the bath, pushing herself up carefully she stepped out of the tub.

After the events of last week with the shooting she hadn't let herself even get upset about what had happened. About the idea that she could have been shot, or Andy, or she could have lost the baby. The baby moved and the emotions seemed to hit her almost instantly. She let out a sob resting her hands on the sink her whole body shaking. She wasn't sure how long she had been there but there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Mom, you okay?" Rusty asked.

Sharon sniffed looking at herself in the mirror.

"Yeah honey I'm fine." She said.

throwing on her robe she opened the door.

"Have you been crying?" He asked when he saw her.

"Just, emotional, I'm fine." Sharon replied with a soft smile.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, don't you have a date tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah, I was just getting ready to leave." He said still looking at her, she knew he was worried.

"Go, have fun." She smiled.

"I can cancel" He replied.

"That is sweet but unneeded."

"Fine, is Andy at least going to be home soon?"

"Yeah," Sharon looked at her phone then back at Rusty "I will be fine till he gets here. I promise"

"Alright" He sighed, she smiled kissing his forehead.

"Go have fun" She smiled reassuring him. He nodded walking to the door. She walked into the bedroom pulling out some comfy clothes to slip into for the night. She decided on a pair of gray leggings and one of Andy's shirts. Slipping on the shirt she breathed in his scent and smiled. Walking into the living room she turned on the TV and sat down on the couch resting her head against the back. She must have dosed off before before long it was getting dark and Andy was coming through the door. She jumped with a start when he closed the door and looked at him.

"Hi" She smiled.

"Hi, did you get my text?" He asked, she looked at her phone on the coffee table.

"No, I fell asleep I think." She replied rubbing the nape of her neck.

"Oh well I stopped to pick us up some dinner, I got you a soup and salad." He walked over setting down a bag.

"Yummy, I'm starved." She said.

He smiled as she leaned in to kiss him softly.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Did Rusty text you?" Sharon sighed.

"No, did something happen?"

"No but I know Rusty and he wouldn't just let it go with me telling him it's fine." Sharon replied.

"What happened?"

"It was really nothing."

"Humor me" Andy smirked.

"I just was emotional is all and Rusty saw me. It was nothing abnormal."

"I don't want it to be normal that you were emotional." Andy pouted.

"I'm seven and half months pregnant, almost, it comes with the territory." She replied taking the soup he had gotten her from the bag,

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She stirred the soup studding it carefully.

"This week has just been a lot to deal with and it hit me all at once. I never looked at a shooting where I could have been shot or someone I love. I just removed myself. But after what happened I just, I could have lost you. And that scares me more than anything." Sharon held back tears.

Andy took the soup from her and set it on the coffee table then took her hands in his pulling her onto her feet.

"What are you doing Andy?" She asked with sigh.

"Dancing" He moved the coffee table and took her waist pulling her close.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I can" He smiled making her smiled. Wrapping his arms around her he swayed slowly.

"There's no music." She whispered.

Andy let out a huff and started humming, Sharon laughed laying her head against his chest.

"Lets just get married" She said quietly, he stopped looking at her. "Soon, I don't want to wait anymore." She stopped when his lips met hers in a heated kiss. She smiled letting out a small laugh as she wrapped her arms around him falling farther into the kiss.

Note: Hey guys hope you enjoyed!  Next chapter will be the wedding and after that more chapters will match with Rusty's but just be more Sharon and Andy based.  Love comments you have!!! #FlynnGirls rule!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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