Chapter 3

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Note: Soooo you guys are going to hate me because not only do I leave this on a cliff hanger but I may not be able to update for a while.  I will try to tomorrow but can't promise anything since I have stuff going on but if I can I will!  Enjoy! Hope you liked tonight's ep!!!

Part 2

Andy got up from the couch going to get the door. He smiled as Patrice hugged him before coming inside.

"Sorry guys, Sharon should only be a few more minutes." Andy smiled inviting them into the living room.

"It's fine we have plenty of time." Patrice smiled.

"Oh he's lying, I'm ready" Sharon sighed coming down the hallway. "It's good to see you" She smiled giving Patrice a quick hug.

The two women had become friends when the bonded over children and loving cops. Even if Sharon was one, she still had the fear of losing Andy.

"You're glowing" Patrice smiled.

"Oh thank you" Sharon smiled glancing at Andy.

"We ready to go?" Provenza asked.

"Yes let's go" Patrice smiled following Sharon out and down to the elevator.

"If you two keep it up you'll have nothing to talk about at dinner" Andy said slipping his arm around Sharon as they walked into the restaurant.

"You would like that wouldn't you" Sharon smirked, He rolled his eyes kissing her cheek.

"Andy I think there is one thing you need to understand, Sharon and I are women, we have two annoying men at our sides how we somehow love and she's pregnant. We will ALWAYS have something to talk about." Patrice explained. Sharon threw her head back with a laugh.

"She is right about that" She laughed leaning into Andy.

"Oh and we are both getting married." Patrice smiled as the were led to their table.

"Oh speaking of, how's planning coming." Sharon asked after the hostess had left.

"Not bad, just ready for it to get here." Patrice smiled looking at Provenza.

"Yeah I know the feeling" Sharon smiled, Andy smiled putting his arm around the back of her chair.

Sharon winced and Andy looked at her worried.

"You okay?" He whispered she nodded with a soft smile.

"Yeah I'm fine" She said laying her hand on his thigh.

"Joys of being pregnant?"

"Yeah, so much joy." Sharon smirked.

"Do you lie to me?" Andy asked.

"Hm?" Sharon looked at him

"You aren't joyfully pregnant with my child?" He asked.

"I am, just not all the time, sometimes I want to kill you" Sharon smirked.

"I... I'm glad I know where you put your gun at night."

Provenza stifled a laugh earning a glare from Andy.

"Good thing I know you're a deep sleeper." She smirked kissing him.

"You two are so cute." Patrice smiled.

"You think they are cute?" Provenza asked raising his brow.

"Yes, just as I think we are." Patrice smiled kissing him with a smile.

"Fine" He rolled his eyes.

"So I hear from Andy that your daughter is coming to town this weekend?"

"She is, her best friend is getting married and she is in the wedding. She's staying till Wednesday." Sharon smiled.

"Mmm I love when my kids come home. How many do you have?"

"Uh two, Emily and my son Ricky. Then of course Rusty." Sharon smiled.

"Do you know what this one is going to be yet?"

"It's a boy, now I will officially be overrun by men."

"Oh but boys are so fun to dress now a days, I have a one year old grandson and I love picking out outfits."

"Yes, my memory seems to recall Ricky hitting me with light sabers or he and his sister playing jedi in the living room."

"We might still have that happen." Andy chuckled.

There was a sudden yelling outside before they heard the gunshots in the air. Sharon, Andy and Provenza all reached for their guns but of course weren't carrying them. The front window shattered and Sharon hit the floor Andy covering her as more bullets ravaged the air. Screams drifted through the air and Sharon hated she couldn't do anything.

The bullets and screaming stopped, Andy sat up looking at Sharon.

"Are you okay?" He asked helping her up.

"Yeah are you?" She asked, he nodded.

"LOUIE" Patrice sobbed seeing Provenza on the ground.

"I'm fine, it's just my shoulder." Provenza moaned as Sharon pulled out her phone dialing 911.

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