Chapter 3

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Note: OKAY last actual chapter 3 I promise guys then I will go back to just telling the story. ENJOY!!!

Part 3... I think?

Andy stood leaning against the wall arms crossed. His dress shirt had blood on it and Rusty had brought him a simple gray shirt to wear. One that didn't remind him that his best friend was in a hospital room with a bullet in his shoulder. The door he was watching opened and Sharon walked out with a soft reassuring smile. The doctor had asked Andy not to come in while he made sure Sharon and the baby were okay. It had drove Andy crazy.

"I'm fine and so is the baby" Sharon handed him an ultrasound. Andy smiled softly, he felt her hand in his and he looked at her.

"How's lieutenant Provenza?" She asked as they walked down the hallway.

"Uh, he should be okay, but Patrice said she would text me once then get an x-ray and can see what the bullet did to his shoulder." Andy explained.

"Did you even see him get shot?" Sharon asked.

"No, but then again I was more worried about you getting shot." He said stopping, he took her hand again moving her towards the wall.


"I don't think I've ever been so scared as I was tonight, not even for my own life but," He reached out laying his hand on her stomach "I love you Sharon, and I don't want to loose you. Not before we get to have a life together."

Sharon smiled softly laying her hand on top of his.

"You've made my life amazing you know that? No matter what happens from here on out, life with you is beautiful and fun and surprising."

Andy chuckled, leaning in he kissed her forehead softly.

"I'm talking to the Chief tomorrow, after tonight I'm not sure being on the team right now is a good idea. I'll still come in but not like I use to."

"I'm sorry" Andy sighed.

"What are you talking about? Andy it's not like I'm leaving forever, just toning it down till the baby gets here. And probably after too." Sharon said seeing Rusty coming up.

"MOM" He breathed seeing her.

He practically crashed into her as Andy moved out of the way.

"Hey, I'm okay" She said softly "So is the baby, we're both fine" She breathed holding him close.

"I saw it on the news, and then Andy called and I... I thought you had been shot. They didn't say it was Provenza." Rusty let go looking at Sharon. "Is he okay?"

"Patrice just texted." Andy said they both looked at him.

"And?" Sharon asked.

"Uh, the bullet shattered his shoulder so they have to do surgery." Andy sighed.

"Go be with him, I'll be there soon." Sharon said Andy nodded.


Sharon looked at Rusty

"Emily's here, we were going to surprise you after you got home."

"Where?" Sharon asked knowing her daughter would be worried.

"In the waiting room just down the hall." Rusty said, Sharon thanked him walking down the hall towards the waiting room. Emily was sitting in a chair her lets pulled up on the seat. Sharon stopped smiling softly when she saw her, her beautiful baby girl. She had grown up into a beautiful young woman. Emily looked up her breathe catching when she saw Sharon.

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