Chapter 2

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Sharon sighed closing her eyes as she rested her elbows on the desk. She winced and lay her hand on her stomach. Smiling she felt the baby kick under her hand. Standing up she went to the door seeing Andy at his desk.

"Lt. Flynn, my office" She said going back to my office Andy following me.

"Is everything okay?" He asked worried.

"Come here" Sharon said with a smiled reaching out for his hand.

Andy walked towards her giving her his hand. She put his hand on her stomach waiting for the baby to kick. She watched, seeing his smile when he felt the baby kicked.

"Is that?" Sharon nodded.

"Yeah, it's kicking"

He smiled kissing her softly.

"I love you" He said quietly.

"I love you too" She smiled.

Sykes knocked on the door making Sharon and Andy part.

"Time for the party." Sykes said, Sharon nodded taking Andy's hand walking into the other room.

"Are we going to tell them?" Andy asked,

"I think it's time" Sharon said as Tao handed her an eggnog. Rusty was talking with Povenza about something or other and he smiled at Sharon.

"Can we have everyone's attention?" Sharon asked.

Everyone looked at them and Rusty smiled again knowing what this was about. "Andy and I have a bit of an announcement to make."

Sharon looked at Andy who slipped his arm around her.

"Andy and I are going to have a baby." She said biting her lip.

"Wait you're pregnant?" Sykes asked.

"I am, obviously it wasn't planned but we're happily surprised." Sharon said, Andy beamed happily.

"Congratulations" Sanchez said with a smile.

People crowded around them congratulating them. Sharon and Andy smiled talking about the baby both happy and nervous all at once. She had gotten away from him standing with Rusty. Andy came up behind her slipping his arm around her waist.

"Hey, you ready to get going?" He asked.

"Yeah, Rusty are you coming home with us."

"Yeah" He said running back to get his bag. Sharon took Andy's hand as they walked to the elevator leaning into him her head rested on his shoulder. He smiled kissing the top of her head gently.

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