Chapter 3

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Part 1

Andy moved standing in the doorway to Sharon's office waiting for her to finish on the phone. She smiled motioning for him to come in. Andy shut the door sitting down.

"Alright sweetie I'll see you Friday" Sharon said. "Love you too Em." Sharon smiled hanging up the phone she sighed looking at Andy.

"Emily?" Andy asked.

"Yeah she wanted to make sure everything was set for Friday." Sharon said leaning back in her chair.

"So I have you to myself for the next few days?"

Sharon laughed.

"What did you have in mind?" Sharon asked.

"Well dinner tonight with Patrice and Provenza" Andy replied.

"I completely forgot about that." Sharon frowned.

"We can find another time honey, I'm sure they will understand."

"No, no it's fine Andy, what time?" Sharon asked with a soft laugh.

"6ish we have reservations at 6:30" Andy said looking at his watch. "Are you done here?" He asked.

"Almost I have to sign a few more papers and send out an e-mail." Sharon said.

"How was the little guy today?" Andy asked as she went back to what she was doing.

"Active, he only seems to calm down when I'm walking. Lot's of walking the office." Sharon said going through her paperwork.

"When did you say will be your last day?"

"Next Friday, but it will depend what the doctor says on Monday."

Andy nodded standing up.

"You leaving me?" Sharon asked looking up at him.

"Never" Andy smiled, Sharon laughed stacking her files.

"Let me send out the e-mail then we can go" Sharon said, Andy nodded.

"I'm going to go grab my stuff and talk to Provenza really quick.

Andy walked out to his desk glancing at Provenza.

"Meeting at our place right?" Andy asked.

"Mmmm yeah." Provenza grumbled.

Andy chuckled turning back to get his keys and coat. Sharon walked out of her office turning off the lights and locking the door.

"You ready to go?" She asked, he nodded following her to the elevator. She leaned against the wall of the elevator closing her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Andy asked. Sharon looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, your son is just kicking my ribs is all."

"Oh my son?" Andy chuckled moving closer to her he laid his hand on her stomach. As she rested her head on his chest. One of her favorite things was the height difference between them when she wasn't in heals, and now that was few and far between.

"Alright little man give your mamma a break." Andy said quietly making Sharon smile.

"We need to give him a name." Sharon said looking at Andy who thought for a moment.

"I always wanted the name Ryder."

"Ryder Flynn?" Sharon asked, Andy shrugged. "Not to be confused with Flynn Ryder I suppose." Sharon said laughing.

"Isn't he from that Disney movie?" Andy asked.

"Yes" Sharon said hesitantly.

"How do you even know that? I have grand-kids what's your excuse."

"I just like Disney movies, Emily would watch them for hours and act them out for me when I got home. She was home when Tangled came out and we've seen Frozen together." Sharon replied as the elevator doors opened.

"So between you and Emily he will be a Disney pro?" Andy asked with a smirk.

"Make fun all you want but you'll make him into a baseball fan for sure and I will just live with that." Sharon replied.

"You love baseball." Andy said looking at her as they got into the car.

"Alright fine you can have something else then, like one of those space shown you love." Sharon said making Andy laugh.

"Alright honey." He said kissing her quickly before starting the car.

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