He meets the 2 queens

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Ding mufuckin dong said my doorbell
I opened the door to see blue lookin like her momma ❤️thankfully ❤️
YN: blueeeeee💙
Blue: bestie ohh who's that hunk *looking at August*
YN: * I looked at her with a stern face and busted out laughing* t..that's my boyfriend *laughing*
Blue: Awwww lucky
Beyonce: hey boo * hugs her*
YN: * hugs her back* hey since u won't be here for Christmas were gonna open gifts now
Beyonce: okay and who is this young man over here
YN: this is August he's my boyfriend
August: h...hi
YN: big fan any way let's go open gifts
* everybody went into the living room for gifts I gave Beyonce and Blue there's (AN aka JAy Z isn't there) blue started screaming and bey did to *
blue: thank youuuuuuuu bestie
Beyonce: thanks babe
YN: your welcome
Beyonce: we're da hell ri at this bitch late as fuccc
YN: ik she should be here soon
*ding mufuckin dong*
*i opened the door to see Riri lookin bad as always*
YN: hey bitch
Rihanna: hey bitch
YN: come in
Rihanna: blueeeee
Rihanna: *recives gift from YN*
*she opens it and screams I got her a puppy
Rihanna: Awwww so cute imma name her Pepé
*we all laughed and had a good time bey blue and ri gave me my gifts but I saved them for Christmas *
*skipping to Christmas Eve night 😏*
YN: Auggie come here
August: coming and I told you not to (GCO)* jaw dropped*
YN: you like what you see
August: *walked over to me and we started making out*
YN: August I want you now

To set the mood
*when he took his boxers off I was like BRUH
YN: and how the hell is that supposed to fit in this
August: * smirked and entered me slowly*
YN: *crying*
August whipped away my tears and soon it was pleasure I was moaning his name like crazy he started hitting it from the front back side like Dayum.

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