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I woke up refreshed. Everyone was gone except Bey. I got up and put on the clothes I had in the last chapter. Me and Bey went to my house she went in the living room with a bat just in case Chris came through tha dooh.
I took a long ahh shower. I put on (outfit in mm) I flat ironed my hair. I heard a pow and a pow a wham and a wham.
Beyonce: don't you Eva I mean Eva mess wit me or my family and don't mess wit a Texas Balmer ( Formaition got that fiya doe)
YN: ha ha nigga got his ass beat. Be ready for our custody battle Tomorrow.
Chris: ah shit
YN: oh yea get Tf outta ma house befo you six feet unda.
Chris got out and I called my Aunt to pick up Taylor.
Beyonce wanna go get Taylor
Beyonce: yea leggo
We got in the car and drove to ma Aunt house
Aunt: hey Baby hey Bumble bee
Both: hey auntie CiCi
Aunt: hey Taylor's in living room
YN: okay thanks c'mon Tay Tay leggo Boo
Aunt: Bye YN bye my bumble bee
Both: bye
We got Taylor and left.
YN: so Tay Tay how was your stay?
Taylor : it was FUNN!
YN: okay good
As I was driving Beyonce was looking out side her window and I saw a bruise on her neck. I got heated because I know who did it. I made a u turn and drove to ha house. I took my LousViton duffle bag and went in her house
Jay: oh hey YN
YN: hiiii. I said and scoffed
Jay: so what's up
YN: dis nigga. I said giving him a bad ahh beating like I prolly would have killed him if I had swung again. I knew he would die any way so I stuffed him in the the base meant to suffer. He should be dead in a few hours.
YN: die nigga!
Jay: fuck ya bitch
YN: nigga what you say. I hit him wit my bat on more time an he wa gone
YN: suck dick. I said I walked away into the car but befo I did I grabbed Blue and put her in the car.
Bey: wat you do
YN: !i texted her and told her wat had happened!
Bey: haha that's wat he get
I drove home and the kids and Bey wanted to stay so we had a lil sleepover. We slept an slept.
I got up and cooked breakfast. Hash browns, pancakes, eggs, bacon, grits, SASAUGE!, I took a shower put my hair up in a bun and got dressed in.

 Hash browns, pancakes, eggs, bacon, grits, SASAUGE!, I took a shower put my hair up in a bun and got dressed in

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I walked down stairs and saw the crew eating.
YN: hay
All: heyyyyy
YN: well I gotta go ta court brb
All: byeeeee
I drove to the court house, they called my case
JudgeJudy: order in the court * bang bang * okay Ms. YLN you are here for two reasons one for divorce two for custody.
YN: yes your honor
JudgeJudy: you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
YN: I swear
JudgeJudy: and MrBrown do you swear to tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth
Chris: I swear
JudgeJudy: okay miss YN you said Mr Brown. Cheated on you and lied
YN: yes your honor
JudgeJudy: okay and you Mr. Brown do you object
Chris: no your honor
JudgeJudy : okay it is done that you are divorced now for the second case, Ms. YLN you said that MrBrown has been a dead beat father and rarely spends time with Taylor
YN: yes your honor
JudgeJudy: is this true MrBrown.
Chris: yes
JudgeJudy: okay it is settled the cases have been won by Ms. YLN congrats it's settled by law *bang bang* court dismissed

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