Riyan Charolette YLN pt. 2

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Zenobia : okay brb. I said walking to the bar and getting a peach Ciroc and red wine. I walked back with the drinks, and handed him his.
Thanks bae. He said. Np . I said  giggling . We talked and danced, talked and danced. It was the best night ever. I got his number. And that night when I went home we talked until day break. I think I'm falling for him. I went to sleep dreaming about him. Asha's POV I was with Bryson, *sighs* that man can kill me if he wants and I wouldn't be mad. We talked more than we danced. I got his number, and when I went home we FaceTimed until we fell asleep, he told me that he has a daughter. I don't mind tho. Lindsay POV I really like Chris and all, but my best friend dated him ,and I know how he is. I don't want a bad relationship. I really like him tho. YN POV
I love Lucas, but TBH I'm kinda not ready for a relationship, but I will give him a try. Also TBH I'm a lil jelly that Z and Aug r dating, but it's whatever. At around three we left the club and went to Asha's house for a sec party it was turns, and shit happens.
Asha: who wanna play truth or dare
All: meeeee!
Asha: alr, truth or dare August
August: truth
Asha: alr is it true that you fucked Nicki while in a relationship wit Miracle?
August: can't say it's a lie, alr any way
All: ohhhhhh, that's messed up!
August: aight any way truth or dare Chris
Chris: dare
August: aight I dare you to twerk
Chris: am niggah, you foreal?
August: hell yea
I started playing booty me down he was twerking, I was so dead BRUH
August: aight aight you done
Chris: I'm goin home that was just no, just no. Ayo Lin, you comin
Lindsay: I'm coming I'm coming. DAMN
Lin walked out wit Chris an left.
YN: any way Imma go snacks who's coming.
Asha&August: me!
We went into the kitchen. Asha walked in the pantry and was looking around. I was attempting to get the sour patch kids that were in my top cabinet
YN: shit!. I said jumping to get the Sour patch kids.
August: you need help ma?. August said while chuckling
YN: please. I said with an attitude
August: aight. He said while grabbing them from above me and rubbin his tool on my ass.
YN: Au...August!. I said stuttering & biting my lip
August: what I do?. He said flashing that million dollar smile
YN: yeah yeah whatever, now give me my candy. I said while trying to reach it.
August: naw you gotta try to get it he said while walking away.
YN: Stawwwp and give me my candy.i said following him.
August: naw you gotta beg fo' it. He said running to the movie room. Me
YN: I want ma' candy. I said jumping on his back.
August: gimmie a kiss. He said turning me around so I was facing him.
We stared at eachother for a bit until I leaned in, and kissing his soft lips. We had a make out session until we pulled away and it was a bit awkward.
YN: I'm so sor. I was cut off by moans in the living room, me and August walked out the movieroom and sneaking into the living room. We saw Zenobia and Bryson. And I found out Asha and Bryson was in the pantry making out so me and August went to my room. We cuddled on the bed and watched Netflix. When he fell asleep I posted a picture and posted it on ig "my love ❤️💯🔫"  I posted it then I feel myself being flipped over.
"Why yo pos' dat picta' " he said with his heavy accent making my stomach catch butterflies. "Cause I can" I said smirking. "You bed knot no moe" he said kissing my neck. "Au....August stop" I said trying to hold back my moans. "Naw you gon learn taday" he said ripping my shirt off.

❤️That night I made love to my lover❤️

I woke up tired, I smirked as last nights events played through my head. I went to my shower. I washed for 15 minutes and got out I put on my under garments. I creamed down and put on and brushed my teeth

 I creamed down and put on and brushed my teeth

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I looked good af. I went down stairs and saw Asha out in the counter wrapped up with Bryson. I was cooking the bacon, and beating the eggs. The pancakes were done I finished the bacon and cooked the eggs. I set the table and went upstairs to wake my Auggie pooh
YN: Auggie!. I said straddling him and kissing his neck
August: *groans*
YN: I'll suck you dick. I said smiling
August: huh?. He said jumping up
YN: I said breakfast is ready. I said walking away
August: Stawp playin guh. He said pulling me back and kissing me
YN: cmon. I said pulling him down the stairs.
When everyone woke up we ate and got ready for the mall. We left to the mall. I got all of the stuff I needed for Riyans room we ordered it and shipped it to my house. I shopped at too many places. We grabbed our bags and left, August followed me to my house were the kids and Tyler were playing and dancing. "I'm HOME!" . I yelled the kids ran to me and Riyan ran to her room when she saw August. " gah damn" August said in frustration . " it's okay she will warm up to ya" I said rubbing his back.
" nah she won't, whet I did to ha was dirty. " it's alr baby" I said "Imma get sum ta eat brb" he said. "Alr bye baby"

Y'all gotta watch the he video in mm it had me dead Lls.

But anyway bye babes

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Alr fr fr


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