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YN: *jumping on bed* Wake the hell up Auggie poo
August: what the hell did I tell you about that name
YN: * brushes teeth * you can't catch me * runs down stairs *
August: * catches her * Merry Christmas
YN: mewwy Christmas * runs to gifts *
August: * gives her gift * it's from Tyler
YN: * calls Tyler*
TyTy: what time u want me to come over
YN: now
* ding mufuckin dong *
YN: TyTy u got here in like 3 sec
TyTy: I know * comes inside *
YN: * opens gift from Tyler* oh my fucking gosh
TyTy: do you like it
YN/ hell ya * jumps on black hoverboard* woohoo

YN: *jumping on bed* Wake the hell up Auggie pooAugust: what the hell did I tell you about that nameYN: * brushes teeth * you can't catch me * runs down stairs *August: * catches her * Merry Christmas YN: mewwy Christmas * runs to gifts *August: *...

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Tyler: recives gift from YN * ayyyyyy be an my bestie r the same
August : recives gift from * YN and opens it*

His were so big they could've popped out.
August: thank you bae * kisses her*
YN: Ewwww cooties
August:* * laughs at her*
narrater * They had a beautiful Christmas. Full of laughs and love. But it wasn't over in the worst way*
When me and August went upstairs stuff went down😥while he was in the shower his phone kept on blowing up so I took a peek at his messages.
It said April 6 missed calls
April: Aug I miss you
April: Merry Christmas
April: When are you coming over
April: Answer me
in my head I thought oh hell naw so when he got out of the shower I confronted his lying ass
YN: who tha fuck Is April
August: * put his head in his hand and nodded* oh lord here we go
YN: huh who August
August: She's m-(GCO)
YN: no no you think you play these fucking mind games on me no you can't Anthony cause I remember how you used to be how could you do this * I jumped on him trying to tackle him but that didn't work*
August: bae chill she's my sister
YN: yea sure how am I supposed to believe you you bitch you fucking player
August: ok you really need to chill
YN: how about you go and fucking chill with her you Bitch
August: OMG chill bae it's my fucking sister
YN: yea whatever * went to the base meant and smoked a blunt *

It said April 6 missed callsApril: Aug I miss youApril: Merry Christmas April: When are you coming overApril: Answer me in my head I thought oh hell naw so when he got out of the shower I confronted his lying assYN: who tha fuck Is April August: *...

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Right now I can't deal with this shit
Soon August walked down the stairs he saw me smoking
August: babe I swear to you that is my sister
YN: okay August I believe you but if you cheat on me I will cut your dick off and hang it on a wall * I said puffing the smoke out of my nose*
August: okay damn
YN: cmon lets go upstairs
August: *we went upstairs and chilled*
* To be Comtinued *
❤️Luv ya Kenna❤️

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