I win

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They said I couldn't but I did it tho, I still got that hourglass figure doe. Don't watch me you betta just watch yo nigga hoe. ~Nicki Minaj
After the court case was over I went to the studio. I had gotten a record label by Colombia Records but I ain't put it to use yet. When I walked inside I saw a little girl on the side walk.
YN: hey you okay
???: yeah I'm really cold though and hungry
YN: where r ur parents
???: that abandoned me
YN: what's your name
???: Riyan
YN: hi Riyan if you want I'd be grateful to be your mom
Riyan: really?
YN: of course c'mon
Riyan: mom? OMG! Mom mom mom, I have a Mom!
YN: cmon i will get one of my assistants to get you food on the second level they have food. What do you want? I said as we walked in the building
Riyan: umm a hamburger and fries, Ohhh plus a water
YN: okay after we leave we will go shopping
Riyan: oh yay
Riyan POV
I really like my new mom. She's really pretty , and I have a feeling she won't abandon me.
*after the studio *
We drove to the mall and shopped shopped and SHOPPED!
We bought so many clothes, purses, phones , iPads , clothes, it was so fun
We drove home getting to know each other
-@ home -
I walked in the house and heard Taylor , and Tyler talking.
"You be nice to your new sister"
Taylor: " okay I will, as long as she's nice "
" I'm homeeeeee" I yell
Mommy and sister" Taylor yelled.
"Hi " Riyan said giving Taylor a hug
"Your so pretty" Taylor said to Riyan
"Thnx , cmon lets go get to know eachother " Riyan said
The girls went up stairs and took they're bags.
Awww Riyans beautiful " Tyler cooded
" yeah who would want to abandon her?" I said
" idk some crazy motherfucka " Tyler said
The door swung open to reveal August. Taylor, and Riyan ran down the stairs
" please take me b(GCO)"
" you!" Riyan screamed
" Riyan?" August said
" get away from me, YOU LEFT ME ALONE!" Riyan cried out
" baby girl I'm so(GCO)"
" get away from me and don't ever, Mark my words I mean ever talk, look , or even think about me ever again."
" please I'm sorry "
" LEAVE M E A L O N E!" When she said that it was so loud that the house shook.
"WTF just happened "
" Taylor Maree Brown! Don't curse Eva again"
" mayne ion get no fun" Taylor said stomping up the stairs
" okay so Riyan talk August hold on okay start..."
" okay so HE! Adopted me and I was so happy his girl Miracle was all sneaky behind his back I told him but Miracle beat me and he.... He put me on the streets for about 2 months that's until I met you today"
"Well Dayum!"
Sryy I know it's not long but I will update soon.

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