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Taylor POV
I was laying in my bed texting my boyfriend Amir, Amir he a player ion know why I date him I know he's messing with Brittany. She's very pretty  dark-ish skin, a lot of course curly brown hair, hazel eyes, and a nice body shape, Brittany we are cool she's real nice and she stays 💯 but she ain't a typical school hoe. I don't think that she knows that I'm dating correction was dating, but I'm currently breaking up with Amir. I was now texting my bestfriend, his name is Luke he is soooooo cute just imagine a younger version of Lucas Coly. We are just texting and what not. He FaceTimed me I answer it and take it in my bathroom. I turn my phone off while we have a conversation since I'm in the shower. I do my hygiene while we r talking I put my hair up in a ponytail, I put on my BO$$ crop top my black shorts and black converses. I did my makeup and me and Luke met up at the park we talked and stopped at a parlor to get ice cream.
Luke: I knew Amir was a playa
Taylor: yea, but he's old news now. I said smiling.
Luke: let's go to the store. He said stopping
Taylor: alr I could use some candy. I said as we walked to 7/11
Luke POV
Wassup it's me Luke, well I'm guessing Tay already tol y'all about me well Lucas Coly is ma fatha and well yeah. I really like Tay but I will ask ha out later she just got out of a relationship. We walked to 7/11 o got some hot Cheetos and Taylor got some skittles and starbursts. I payed for it and left the store. We walked to the park and started playing like lil kids.
Taylor: come push me, please
Luke: alr I'm coming. I said running over to the swings. I started pushing her and she showed that beautiful bright smile.
Taylor: yay!
Luke : alr cmon lets go to your house an chill. Ma dad prolly got some hoe in his house. I said chuckling.
Taylor: okay. I said giggling.
Taylor POV
Me and Luke walked to my house holding hands and talking. When we got to my house we went to my room and watched Netflix. We were watching "Once upon a time " (AN that's my favorite show) We watched tv until we fell asleep, I fell asleep on his shoulder, and he fell asleep on my head. Oh how I love my bestfriend. We woke up and watched TV until dinner we weren't hungry so we ate at midnight and ordered hot wings and pizza. We finished eating and played truth a game we made up about we asked eachother questions and we answer them truth fully.
Luke: aight my turn, did you actually like Amir, and if not who do you like?
Taylor: Alr TBH no and I like..... Um nvm. I said
Luke: c'mon you gotta answer.
Taylor:urge fine I like you okay!. I said looking down and playing with my fingers.
Luke; I like you too baby. I said with that money making smile in my face.
Out of nowhere Taylor kissed Luke so fast he ain't know what happened. They kissed for about ten seconds until they let go for air.
Taylor: I love you bestfriend. I said getting on his lap and hugging his neck.
Luke: I love you too bestfriend. He said hugging me back
That night I fell asleep with my bestfriend.

🍦awh they're puppy love tho🍦

Riyan POV
I was at Jacobs house watching a movie with him. We were watching London has Fallen we finished the movie and I gave him a hug and drove home. Ik your like "you only fifteen why you got a car" but my dad bought me one anyway. When's got home I took a shower I brushed my teeth out my hair up, I put on my pjs my PINK™ shorts and a white cami tee. I got in bed watched a little of Empire and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning refreshed, so I washed my face and put on my blue zig zag Nike capris and a blue just do it Nike tee shirt. I put on my white roches. I put my hair up in a ponytail and went on my high school track and ran since I have track practice tomorrow night. When I got done I went to McDonalds and got hotcakes, hash browns, bacon, and eggs. After I ate I drove to my friend Milan's house and I chilled with her.
Star POV
Well today I'm going boy hunting and shopping my dad told me that we couldn't mess around anymore because I got what I wanted so I'm fine. I took a shower and got dressed in a Moschino bra with a sheer white crop top over that, leather skater skirt, thigh high black weed socks, and Black Tims. I put my hair in a curly ponytail and did my makeup. I put in my hoops and left the house and to the mall.
Taylor POV
I was laying down with my bestfriend and I got up and took a shower, I got out brushed my teeth etc. I went in my closet and put on my emoji skater skirt, a long sleeve white crop top, and my all white Air Force 1s. I let my hair down and woke bestfriend up.
Tay: wake up bae
Luke: I'm up imma take a shower brb.
Tay: alr


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