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"You say you're a lycanthropy but so far from what I've seen your just a mere mortal".

"Me the great Lycan king of all Wolves a mere mortal ?"he questioned.

"Why are you questioning me, I'm only stating facts if you're such a great Lycan why don't you show me" I sassed back at him.

"Is that what you want, for me to show you how great of a lycan I am, because my γλυκό σύντροφο, I will". (Sweet mate)

"Actions speak louder than words ever will".

And at that very moment I regretted everything I said, because he indeed showed me how great of a Lycan he really was. I peered up at him flabbergasted at his height. His Lycan form proves he is King.

"I suspected you were lying. I've only ever read about The Lycan King. It says you don't come around often and that you don't have a soul mate. You were created to rule over all shifter kind and not be disturbed from your  task. Can you shift back now please ?"

And that he did obliging to my wishes already.

Squinting at me he slowly as if he's trying to fully gauge my reactions. he asks what must have been plaguing his mind. "You didn't run, why ?" He asked me.

"I know about every supernatural creature in the world, including the shifter species from shapeshifters go down to werewolves and yes lycanthropes too. You shifters are overly protective of your mates while also being extremely loving, caring, and possessive of your mates. You lycans do not use the term loosely. It is very sacred to your kind, and not too long ago you called me γλυκό σύντροφο. So I knew you wouldn't hurt me and running would be pointless you'd catch me in a heartbeat. id only excite your wolf in god knew what way. Plus I asked you to shift I'd be a coward to run from my own doing.." (Sweet Mate)

"Έχω προικιστεί με έναν έξυπνο σύντροφο" (i have been gifted with an intelligent mate).

I sighed, "indeed you have".

"I never expected to meet my mate at a college why are you here ?" he questioned while rubbing my arms up and down staring at me.

"I want to further my education and become the one of the greatest faerie doctors. Why are you at a college oh great Lycan King".

"I'm only here because I own this college sweet mate".

"REALLY,\, why the fuck is your tuition so expensive then" I squealed out.

"Because this is the best college in the world, anyway you shall be coming home with me" the said dismissively.

"Okay on one condition".

"What is this condition" he demanded to know.

"I get to meet your lycan and we get to know each other".

"That's two conditions but fine".

"It better be fine" I said while flipping my hair and walking away from him.

"Where are you going" he growled out scaring the toughness out of me.

"To the umm most expensive looking car in the parking garage" I stated in a duh kind of tone.

"NO, we teleport".

"........Um Okay".

"Come give me your hands γλυκό σύντροφο" (sweet mate). 


"Do it, give me your hands".

I gave him my hands and he took hold of them intertwining our fingers. I've never been teleported by someone else or a long distance before. It's such a weird feeling. It's as if you we're levitating but at the same time not moving. Yet you can feel the wind wiping past you. My body is tingling all over. The only thing I can see is blurry objects.

But when it all stops I'm in a place I've never been before.

"Where are we" I asked while looking around at the luscious Forrest and the mansion in front of us.

"Does my sweet mate forget things easily".


"Hm okayy but to answer your question we are in my kingdom".

"Obviously, I want to know where your kingdom is" I said while giving him a stank face and rolling my eyes.

"Ελλάδα". (Greece)

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