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Tyler waited by the taco bell that Josh told him where they would meet. He was wearing a grey sweater, layered with a green coat, he had black skinny jeans and black vans on. Josh walked to Tyler "T-Tyler? is that you?" he asked. "J-Josh?" Tyler breathed out. Josh was wearing a dark red jumper, black skinny jeans, with hightop vans. They both went to hug each other. "you look cuter in person" Josh said. Tyler blushed and giggled "why thank you. You look even better in person than on Skype. who knew you would be shorter than me." Josh looked at him offensively "shorter by like an inch!" putting his hand over his chest acting as if it hurt him. They both looked at each other for a moment and then laughed and the same time.

"Lets eat" Josh managed to say after the laughing died down. He opened the door for Tyler to walk in first. "what do you want?" He asked. "i-uh..." Tyler thought for a moment. "Just gimmie a burrito with a Doritos taco, flavor doesn't really matter." He smiled at Josh. "sure thing sweet heart." Josh winked and walked away to wait in line to order. Tyler blushed and went to find a table, he chose a booth near the window.

When Josh came back with the drinks and food they both started talking more about themselves. Josh kept complementing tyler; even though he immediately regretted after, he always wondered why he was such a big flirt. Tyler didn't mind it, he actually really liked the attention from Josh, he though it was cute and blushed harder.


Later on, they went to the mall. The first store they went to was obviously hot topic. Josh loves anime, and Tyler really likes bands. While they where looking, he liked talking about his favorite anime and cute facts about them. Tyler really liked when Josh got excited about talking about something he liked, it was so cute how he would ramble. Tyler showed josh some bands that he's never heard of. They both shared a similar taste in music, so Tyler decided to show him a couple CDs he might like.

When it was around 7 Josh dropped tyler off at his house. Tyler had work tomorrow so he had to sleep early which he hated. "ugh work sucks" He sighed. "where do you work?" Josh asked. "i work at a cafe, as stupid as that sounds... i hate it" Tyler looks at the ground. "maybe ill drop by sometime" Josh winked. Tyler blushed super hard and chuckled. " i cant wait" He said. They both said there goodbyes and Josh took off.

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