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This story is doing extremely well i also wanted to write a cute bonus chapter for you guys ;)

   Tyler was sitting on the couch of their new apartment. They just moved in a couple months ago, so they are semi accustomed to there flat. Tyler was on his laptop looking on youtube for videos to watch.
"Honey I'm home!" Josh walked in with grocery bags.
"You don't always have to say that when you come in, jesus" tyler got up to greet josh with an embrace.
"Well do you you want me to stop?" Josh gave Tyler puppy dog eyes.
"No you dripcrab." Tyler pecked Josh's lips and let go of him.
"Yeah yeah" josh carried the bags to the kitchen to later sort them out in the fridge and the cabinets.
"Hey josh... Do you wanna go to the park?" Tyler smiled.
"I donno babe... What about the groceries?" Josh looked at the bags and shrugged.
"Come on! We never go out anymore, I've been stuck in this house all day. Please josh?" Tyler pouted.
"Fine, get ready in 10 okay?" Josh started to quickly put the groceries where they belong and waited for tyler to get ready.

They both went outside and started to walk to the park. As they got there, there was no one really there which was totally awesome for them.
"Josh come with me to the swings please !" Tyler pulled on Josh's arm
"Okay~" Josh walked towards the swing set with Tyler. They where swinging right beside each other holding hands and have a deep conversation about taco bell. Tyler loves these small effortless dates, to him they are the most fun. Josh also enjoyed them to but he would rather spend cash on Tyler, since he meant so much to him.
As the time went by, it was almost sun down.
"Hey Tyler, lets get some ice cream, my treat" He smiled and pulled Tyler off the swing.
"That sounds wonderful, Dun" Tyler blushed and walked to the nearest ice cream parlor while leaning his head on Josh's left arm.
"Uh two vanillas please" Josh ordered.
He payed and they both walked home while admiring the sunset and each others companies.

Okay so this fanfic was shitty so i decided to write a decent bonus to redeem my horrific words lmao
i hope you guys enjoyed this cuteness and finally realize that this is THE END
jk but not really; you guys can follow me and read my other stories if you want i will appreciate that ♥️
Good bye loves

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