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[Skype call started..]

heavy breathing arose from the screen.

"j-josh-Ah" Tyler panted.

Tyler could only see Joshed mouth to the bottom of his torso.

"mmm daddy~" Josh whimperd.

"tell me what you want-fuck- tell me what you want daddy to do to you" Tyler tried to muffle his moans while speaking.

"i-i want your cock inside me" Josh groaned. "i want you to thrust into me" he moaned.

Tyler pumping himself harder. "i want to kiss you, i want to bite your neck, and want to leave bruises on your thighs, i want to fuck you so hard till you scream my name" He was panting loudly.

"fuck" Josh tried to muffle.

"you dirty slut" Tyler moaned. "moan for daddy"

The room was silent except for the moans that came from the screen and Josh.

"iim-im coming-Ahh-" Josh screamed

"m-me too-" He was breathing heavily. With that said; they simultaneously came at the same time.

"i love you Ty" Josh whispered

"i love you to joshy" He smiled and logged off

you guys r gr8 so I decided to give you some smut????
im not good at writing it so sorry if it sounds like im 12 and trying; i can assure you im not
bye loveys -Nat)

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