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Armin and Christa wheeled you all the to the back where they were tying Secilia to a stake. Jean, Eren, Levi, Ymir and Hange were standing before the stake, preparing guns.

Secilia wasn't saying anything, but you knew she was cursing at everyone in her head. "I knew something was off about her. She wouldn't come back on such good terms with me." You narrowed her eyes at her, slightly trying to wiggle herself out of the ropes.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Secilia finally spoke. "I want you to light me on fire. I want you to live with the guilt of killing your best friend." She hissed at you.

"Shut up." Connie surprisingly punched her in the face. You didn't know he had it in him.

"No, it's okay. I'll do it. I won't have any guilt or regrets because Heichou, Farlan, and Isabelle were my best friends. You were just someone I grew up with." You painfully took the torch from Reiner and had him roll you up to the stake, where you painfully lit the pile of wood on fire and watched the flames dance and nap at Secilia's feet.

"On my mark." Erwin boomed, standing behind the five gunmen. The fire rose to her legs and Secilia let out long groan and whine. You watched with no emotion on your face, and no emotional thoughts.

"Ready..." Erwin waited and you heard the clicks to load the guns and watched them raise to their cheeks. The fire had reached Secilia's collar bone where she made a blood curdling scream.

"Fire!" And that exact moment, everything seemed to slow down. It all sounded far away from the sound of the gunshots to the ringing of a scream... It all seemed distant.

Then the screaming stopped. You blinked and the only sound was the crackling of the fire eating away at her and the smell of cooking and burning meat.

You sighed and tried to wheel yourself away but you whimpered in pain. Eren rushed to your side, pushing past Heichou and wheeling you back to your room.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)." Was all Eren said.

You blew some of your curly bangs out of your face and didn't respond. She deserved what she got as punishment for her crimes.

Eren left you alone in your room to stare out the window at the setting sun. You wanted nothing more than to draw but with your still healing arms, that was impossible.

You couldn't risk falling asleep, but your body decided against it, putting you in a deep slumber in your wheelchair. The back of your conscious was telling you that the threat was over...

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