Chapter 7

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chapter 7

One text from Justin.

'We need to talk'

What was she going to tell him? She was sworn to silence in her contract so there was no way she could tell him the truth. It's been a month since she had come here to live with Cheryl. She had probably seen her once or twice in passing. And when she had seen her she had been drunk, increasingly annoyed at her and asking her to stay out of her sight. But she had never said any hurtful things like she did in the limo.

Kimberley was happy when Cheryl wasn't around. The house was a huge Victorian mansion and she spent her time exploring the paintings and the rooms. The garden was a lovely place to take a stroll in. She had spent many her evenings with Sarah there looking for places to start a small coffee shop, with the money she would get from the contract.

Sarah usually left before Cheryl came home. Once their paths met, Cheryl was unusually pleasant to her. It hurt Kimberley that Cheryl could be nice to her friend but not her, the legal 'wife'. Then she reminded herself that she didn't want to be liked by her. She just wanted to get out of her hair. She wanted this one year to be over.

'Hey. Did you get the text from Hilary?' Nadine barged into her room with as much as rights Sarah took. She had grown to like the girl a lot, so she wasn't complaining.

'Yeah. I just don't know what to wear' Kimberley sighed as she let Nadine search through her wardrobe.

'Hasn't Chez taken you out for clothes shopping? Nobody would believe you both are a couple if you were these clothes'

Kimberley shrugged. 'These are all I have'

'Well. It's time to go shopping then'

'I don't have enough money..'

'It's my treat, for my bestie's wifey' She winked.

Kimberley blushed at being referred to as someone's wife even though that someone was whom she despised. ' don't let her hear you say that'

'You think I would?' Nadine smiled with a cheeky glint in her eyes. 'Let's go madam?'

She held out her hands which Kimberley gladly took. Everytime she ventured out of the house, she was glad to have someone with her. She was never going to get used to the multiple photographers and flashes following her.

Being married to a celebrity itself still felt surreal. She had to often pinch herself and remind that she wasn't in some horribly twisted fantasy of hers.


'And cut...'

Cheryl scowled at the ad director. He hadn't even thanked her for her time. What an arse. She had gotten more offers for work after her wedding, yet they weren't consistent because she was barely sober in most of the shoots.

She glanced at her watch. It was ten to five. She had to attend the after party of some movie premiere. Obligations. Apparently Selena Gomez was starring in it and because she was such a fangirl of Cheryl's, she was expected to extend the courtesy and attend her party.

'I'm going to take a quick nap. Wake us up when we reach the house Dave'

She laid her head back as she let her thoughts travel back to the blonde. Her wife. She felt like laughing when she heard herself address her as wife. More like a whore, who she never used. What was her name again? Kimberley. She was going to attend the party with her.

If she thought she was going to sulk around the house batting her pretty eyelashes, that she would be treated better then she was wrong.

Cheryl had probably met her a couple of times in the last month. It had never been pleasant. She couldn't help but be disgusted by her. She was whoring herself for money. Wasn't she? But she didn't say that loud. She hated those tears that easily sprang to those blondes eyes. It made her look like a scared little girl and almost likeable. She wasn't going to be fooled by this act again.

The same act everyone around her spins.

Cheryl popped a mint in her mouth and remembered how pleasantly surprised she was to meet Sarah, the loud one who couldn't utter a word during their first meeting. She turned out to be funny and hysterical. She liked talking to her.

She closed her eyes and the last image that remained in her eyes were that of the blonde with tears. She cursed her mind for retaining unimportant memories and forced herself back to sleep.


'Oh my god Kimberley. You look hot'

Cheryl threw the bottle of whiskey she had been sipping on when she heard laughter and squeals from the girls bedroom.

She walked in a zig zag line to the room and opened the door.

'Hey chez. You back' Nadine hugged her and pulled back. She looked at her sadly. 'Already? You aren't even at the party yet Cheryl'

'You are right. She looks hot' Cheryl answered gazing at Kimberley like she would look at something that's stuck to the bottom of her shoes.

Kimberley didn't react. She couldn't. She knew this wasn't the end. She knew it never ended nice. She waited for the blow and then it came like expected.

'She used to look like a low class prostitute. Now she looks like a high class escort'

The tears were beyond her control. She tried to restrain them, but she was only made of flesh and bones. She had emotions and she was bound to get hurt. Why would this girl keep treating like her heart was made of iron? How can one person be this horrible?

'Cheryl..' Nadine chided..

'Don't Nadine. Leave it'

'Yeah Nadine. Leave it' Cheryl mocked her tone as she walked away from the bedroom.

'I'm sorry Kimberley. I swear she hasn't always been like this. She can be quite nice'

'If she can, then I'm yet to see it' Kimberley wiped away her tears, throwing a small smile at Nadine to ease her uncomfortableness.

'Now no more tears. You will ruin your makeup on the pretty face. Come on, lets retouch it before beast comes back knocking on your door'

Kimberley chuckled, as she let Nadine help her look pretty.

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