Chim - The Princess and The Pauper

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Chapter 1

Stability. That's what her life was about. When she was 10 she realised she loved cooking. When she was 16 she enrolled in a college for diploma in catering. That's where she met him. Justin. She knew he was the one she was going to marry and settle down with the moment she met him. She had planned down to the details of the colours of the curtain at her wedding reception by the time she turned 20. He hadn't even asked her to marry him then. He did ask her to marry him when she turned 21.

Consistency and constancy. It was her life. Every little thing was planned and organised. She had never once ventured out of her comfort zone. Until that fateful day when everything came crashing down upon her.

You are probably wondering about what I'm rambling about. To understand better you need to travel back 48 hours with her. To know why her life is in a chaos right now despite all the careful planning and organising. 

48 hours before:

She woke up annoyed that Sarah was playing Justin Bieber again. Seriously, when was that girl ever going to get some taste in music?

'Kimberley. Are you up?' She bounced on her bed like a kid on a Christmas morning. If she wasn't awake before, she'd definitely be now.

'I am.' The yawning blonde girl untangled herself from the sheet. 'Get off my bed Sarah. I need to make it'

'Alright alright. Calm your tits. Geez' Sarah jumped off the bed making a loud thud when she landed on the carpeted floor.

She carefully folded her sheets and put them away in the laundry basket.

'You know it's gonna get all crumbled again when you throw it in the washing machine'

She gave Sarah a disapproving glance.

'That doesn't mean I want my laundry basket looking like a warzone. Or like your room'

Sarah cackled. She has had this conversation a million times before with her and everytime she would get the same answer.

'Yeah okay sexy arse.' She sat on the made bed again, after smacking her bum. 'What plans for today?'

'Job hunting?'

'Something fun'

'Lets job hunt online'

Sarah made a face. 'I've known you all my life. Still your definition of fun doesn't cease to amaze me'

She chuckled softly as she sat beside Sarah and reached for the bottle of water in her nightstand. She hadn't given her much of her time lately. Even though Sarah would never admit it openly, she knew the loudmouthed blonde missed her.

'Okay what do you suggest we do?'

She never knew what Sarah would suggest. She was the wild crazy one, not her.

'Let's go to Vegas'

She spat out the water she'd been drinking.

'Sarah..' She glared as she put the bottle back in its place , 'stop joking'

'I'm not. You know I can afford it'

'You know that I can't. I already feel guilty for staying and feeding off yours'

'But Kimbers. It's my birthday tomorrow.' She pouted knowing the younger girl weakened against it.

'Sarah. No' She said decidedly after a moment of wavering.

'Okay' The older one sulked and began to sigh loudly rather dramatically.

'Even if I did say yes, I'm sure we can't get tickets this last minute. We sure won't reach there before your birthday'

'Yes we will' Sarah grinned cheekily as she inched away from the blonde.

'Sarah' She squealed in annoyance, 'what did you do now?'

She tried to catch the older girl before she ran out of her grasp and failed.

'Our flight leaves in 3 hours. I've already packed your bags'

'Sarah....' Kimberley yelled loudly and the older girl scurried away from the room cackling even louder.


'I so hate you right now' Kimberley whispered to Sarah who was busy playing games on the monitor before her.

'No you don't' She said distractedly.

'How long is this flight going to be?'

'10 hours. If you don't stop moaning, about a lifetime'

She smacked the back of her head earning an ouch and a pout from her companion.

'This is the most random thing you've ever done. I swear to god you're getting crazier by the day'

Sarah laughed as she held Kimberley's hand.

'Just close your eyes. The flight is about to take off. I can't have you puking on my favourite pair of shoes'

Kimberley went for another smack which she expertly dodged. She knew deep down what this trip was about. Justin. She had broken up with Justin the day before.

It was solely her fault. Her frustration at being made redundant, her inability to find another job, the rising bills and inadequacies, turned every day into a nightmare. Justin became her vent. He took it patiently, until she snapped and broke up with him. She couldn't keep treating him like that. He deserved someone better. Not her.

She rubbed her temples and held back the tears.

'It's gonna be alright babe' Sarah squeezed her hand and she smiled back gratefully at her. She knew it wasn't meant only for the take off.

'I love you nutcase.'

'I love you too Barbie. Now close your eyes'

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