Chapter four: Madame Erulasse

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I awoke in the morning with a cup of tea, I sat in the kitchen and turn on the TV on a News channel. 
The two women on TV was talking about mutated man-bats things flying in New York City, they were shouting my mine. They demand for my surrender or they will kill or mutated on humans, I turn off the TV and walk up to the third floor. 

           I enter into the training room, the door to the right, it is bewitched to bring the person's fear to reality. I summon my sword and started to train only, my father is the only person I fear.  

          Annie was out, she went outside the cathedral to gather an army of her own. 

 The Silent Priests were out too, and I was only in the cathedral with witches and few vampires.

       At twelve O' clock, I was finish training. 

   I walk downstairs, next to the door of my room a witch was waiting for me. Her name was Amber, I stood next to her and say." What's up? . . ..

   she says," there's a woman waited for you outside the cathedral. She say that she know you," she leaves. 

         A minute later I stood before the entrance of the cathedral, I open the door. I walk outside the cathedral, the woman that was waiting for me was gone. 

          And soon as I took a deep breath, she appear out of no where in the shadow. Her crimson eyes brought fear in my eyes, she wasn't a human but a monster with white skin, fangs, talons, crimson hair, and elf-like ears.

           I was about to flee, but the woman was using her dark magic to make me unable to move. The woman was an Aswang, she wear Gothic clothing. Her name is Madame Erulassë, the most wicked female Aswang in history. She is the lover of my father, the only female Aswang who can make my father smile. When she made me unable to move, she started to slay my flesh with her talons and drink my blood. 

       She crab me on my throat and says," your father want you alive. But I'll make sure I take you to him after I make you sorry."

       She manifested her wings, and soon I distract her by possessing a human who was walking by. And made him start to throw rocks at Madame Erulassë, I then had a chance to make my assault. The sword Michael give to me was in packet in a form of a gem, I crab the gem and soon it changes into a sword. As you know when I don't need it, it take a form of gem. And when I it,

 it changes into a sword.

         I use it and cut off Madame Erulassë's head, but because she's immortality she was able to regrow her head. When turn I was gone, and she chased me down. Aswang are talented specie, you can't run away from them easily. They can detect where you are with their wicked eyes, and can sense where their victim are hiding.  

          I was now Erulassë victim, and she could see and detect where I was running. She was using her wings to fly, and she was coming very fast. A female Aswang, in flight, it detaches itself from its human torso. Imagine just seeing half of the creature flying above you. That's practically enough to scare the wits out of a lot of people, Aswang are invisible to their victim. And they suck blood in shadows, I was tired of running. Every building I hide in, Madame Erulassë finds me. She was invisible, but with my cursed eyes I could detect her. My heart was racing when I hide and took a deep breath behind I car, the sigil on my palms started to glow. A minute later talons were emerging, my eyes turn red and soon I had fangs. I glance at myself in the mirror of the car, and see the monster I was becoming. Before I could get moving, Madame Erulassë appears behind me and shot bolt of lighting right at me. My sword protected me  by creating a force field around me, and soon I stand still and beg for Madame Erulassë to leave me alone.

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