Chapter Ten: Resurrection

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I was dreaming about my mother and brothers while under a sleeping spell, since the day I left my world; since then I never seen mother. I miss her, and I want her back. My father had kidnapped her, and imprisoned her to an unknown place.
       He keep this from me, but my mother, even in imprisonment she was communicating with me in dreams and she was giving me visions of some-kind a fortress on a mountain.
    I think there is where she's imprison, maybe but I'm not sure.
        As I was under a sleeping spell, Astrid the witch from Trizardwood. She was in my room guarding me, while Annie, Mason, Arvid, and Emu were sent by the Silent Priests to the cemetery where the Aswang lord was buried after his demise.
    When they arrived there, they saw the coffin that contain the Aswang Lord missing. He dig himself out of his grave, and now he was out there unleashing his rage on the very people I call family. 
    Annie he report the news that the Aswang lord has really risen from the dead, when the Silent Priests hoard that he has risen.
    They looked shock, and wonder if this is another trick the Aswang Lord is playing.
        Two day later after Annie report the news to the Silent Priests, Egil sent a squad of vampires and witches to track down the Aswang Lord on each corner of the world.
     All those who were sent to find him, they never returned. And were found dead on the east side of New York, they were violently murdered.
     On the area where they were found dead, on the left Egil saw a warning written in blood on the ground.

That was a warning for me, he was coming for me. And the Silent Priests knew that was a warning for me, the squad they sent whom are now dead; it seem like they were bitten. An Aswang bite is incurable, when an Aswang bite you . .  .you will die a horrible death. Your skin would turn dark as the night, your body will become undead looking. Then decays when the venom is inside for too long, the squad that the Silent Priests whom were killed. When they were about to be buried, their bodies begins to decay in second. Then soon, nothing was left of their bodies; but ashes.

    The Silent Priests Egil, he summons a jar and put the ashes of his fallen into the jar.

  After that, he and his brethren lives the area. They manifested their wings, and flew across the sky.

After they left, Dr. James Wilson he came to observe the area where the Silent Priests were. His cap friends came with him, two of them. Together they observe the area, they saw tiny ashes on the ground.

      " What is that? cap number #2 ask. James told him that it is just ashes, then cap number # 1 said." I think someone was burn alive on this area, I hate to say this. But I think vampires exist,"

   " what do you mean they exist? cap number #2 ask. He looked confused, but Dr James Wilson wasn't as he is a vampire himself playing as a cap.

     After cap number#2 say that he believe in the existence of vampires, James Wilson stood and glare at the two. He walk toward cap number# 1, and pauses when closer enough.

    " I compel you to forget about the existence of vampire, you don't want to be involved in their world."

    Dr James, he compelled cap number #1 to forget about the existence of vampires in New York. He then compelled him and cap number#2 to leave the area, after they left; he stay behind.

Back at the Cathedral of Light, I finally break out of the sleeping spell and found myself bound by enormous on my bed.

    I was tired and thirst for blood,my window were opened. And outside, on the street I could hear screams and shouting.

    The light in my room was off, the sun light was the only light in my room. I was trying to break free but the chains the Silent Priests bounded me with, it was impossible to break it.

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