The Angels of Heaven

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This is a fanfiction by Dakota for Skylar! It's Supernatural, but I kind of fused it with Catholic lore about the Angels, so it may be slightly AU. Please let me know what you think, I've already gotten a few parts written, so I will post those all at once, but I am really busy for the next few days, I don't know how much I'll get written, but I'll try! This will be a longer fic, and later I will introduce the Winchesters, but at this point it's all Angels. Enjoy! P.S. I don't own any part of Supernatural, I only own the OC's I made, Lythel and Amoura.



Heaven was a place of light and peace. The Nine Choirs of Angels were being created to be the protectors of this peace.

The Seraphim were the highest order, and they were the guardians over His Throne. The Cherubim were next highest underneath the Seraphim, and they act as the helpers and assistants of God. The Thrones came next, the angels of Peace, Humility, and Submission. To be in God’s presence, the lower angels would have to pass through these Thrones first. The Dominions are the leaders over the angels, making sure that each angel is doing their duty under God’s commands. The Virtues are the Spirits of Motion, and have the ability of controlling the weather, they govern all of nature, and have power over miracles. They have the task of providing courage, grace, and valor. The Powers are the angels given the job of defending all of God’s creation against the forces of evil and protect humans from evil spirits that wreak chaos. The Powers are led by Samael and Camael, the angels of darkness. Next in line are the Archangels, the chief angels that serve as God’s messengers to people during crises and salvation. The second to last Choir are the Principalities, the spiritual beings that have become hostile to God and his humans, but are still ruled by God.

The last Choir is the most widely known, the most social, and the beings closest to humans. These angels not only deliver prayers to God and return with answers, but they also have the ability to help those in need and are ultimately guardians of the humans.  

 Each of these angels was individually made by God’s hand, and he shaped each one, knowing the role they would play throughout history.

When he created the angels, he left the Archangels to look after each of them and care for them while he began his work on creating humanity. Not all of the Archangels were very happy with this, but there were some that were. The Archangel Gabriel was perhaps the reluctant against God’s word of raising the young angels to be strong enough to protect God’s newest work, the humans.

Gabriel was put in the charge of four young angels, and he was not happy about it.

“Gabriel, you must be willing to give your life for these young angels, it is God’s word that these angels are to be cared for especially, for they have important roles to play,” the Archangel Michael spoke to his brother.

“Whatever, as long as they don’t pull my wings and make a mess of Heaven.” Gabriel replied, rolling his eyes. Out of the Archangels, Gabriel had been chosen as their messenger. You could say that some of their habits had rubbed off on him and his speech patterns.

“Brother, please just look after them. Our Father is hard at work with these humans, and he has asked this of us. It is hard enough with Lucifer rebelling against these humans, he has got to be more careful. I’m afraid if he fights against them much more Father will banish him from Heaven.” Michael pleaded.

“Alright, fine. Where are the little squirts?”

“Raphael should be arriving with them any second.”

As if on cue, a flutter of wings rustled the clouds by them and both Archangels turned to see the Archangel Raphael holding four very small bundles of feathers.

“They’ve just been created, you must look after these carefully Gabriel. I don’t know why God has trusted you with them, you are the least trustworthy of us all, but he has faith in you. I only hope that you don’t screw this up.” Raphael warned Gabriel, handing him the small bundles of feathers.

Gabriel was reluctant about this whole situation, he had an important job that he performed as God’s messenger, and these angels would only slow him down. His mind was changed immediately as one of the small bundles lifted up it’s head and looked at him, with shining blue eyes. He knew it’s name, Castiel, just as he knew the names of all the angels. The rest of them soon turned to look at his blinding grace, Balthazar, Amoura, and Lythel. As he looked upon the fledglings, he knew that in time he would come to love each one of his brothers and sisters, and his grace warmed at the sight of them.

“I would be happy to look after them.” he replied with a content flutter of his magnificent wings, warmth spreading through his whole essence.

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