The Next Day

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Melody wakes up early in the morning like she usually does. She gets ready for school.

Ugh do I really need this education ? She thinks.

She hears banging in the door.

"Melody! Get your stupid self out here NOW!" Her mom yelled.

"Give me 5 more minutes I'm not done getting dressed yet." Melody replied.

She gets out her room and see her mom standing there.

"What do you want Charlie?" Melody says.

"Don't call me that I'm your mother!"

"We aren't even that close ! Not after you cheated on dad, just because you won me over during the custody battle doesn't mean I have to love you!"

Her mother punches her and Melody falls to the floor.

"I HATE YOU!" She says as she walks out the house holding her bruised lip.

"Where do you think you're going miss?" Vanessa says as she crosses the street.

"I had to wake up earlier than usual to see if my best friend is still alive because she didn't call me." She continues. Melody looks down as she covers her lip.

"Did Charlie hit you again ? Here let me fix you up."

"Is it that bad?"

"Oh yeah, but don't worry, it's barley noticeable now."

"Thanks Nessa."

Melody and Vanessa get to school 20 minutes before class. Melody tells Vanessa want happened last night while someone over heard their conversation.

"I'm telling you Vanessa that thug came out of no where ! Who knows what he would of done to me, I could have died ! But lucky Robin saved me and I got to meet batman!"

"Ha, you met Batman and Robin? I highly doubt they'll remember you."

"They do. I hope."

"Was Robin sexy?"

"Um-" Melody was cut off.

"I'm sorry for over hearing ladies," the person said as he slowly walked up to Melody.

"But how are you so lucky to meet Batman ? And run into a Joker thug all in one night?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I do want to see Robin again, who are you ?" She asked.

"I'm Jason. Jason Todd. And my god you're very pretty. Miss?"

"Miller. Melody Miller. Hey you ain't too bad yourself." She says in a flirty way.

"Melody I'm gonna go to home room. You coming ?" Vanessa tells her.

"I'll meet up soon." Melody says. Vanessa walks away.

"So will I be seeing you see you around Jason ?"

"Yeah you will. I never forget a pretty face like yours."

Melody blushes. She walks away. But she felt weird, like as she had met him before. The bell rings, as she sits on her desk.

I can't wait to talk to Jason again, there's just something familiar about him. I just don't know what.

~A Matter of Love~ Jason Todd FanficWhere stories live. Discover now