8'o Clock

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It was 7:30, Melody was getting ready to see Jason. Charlie had been drinking so she would be sleeping in 20 minutes. That gave Melody enough time to get ready and not have Charlie in her way. Melody put on a bit of make up just to hide her acne scars and her bruised lip, she even did her hair, soft curls. She looked at the clock when she was done, 8'o clock.

Ok, he should be here soon. She thought to herself.

She waited for a bit, watched some tv to keep her distracted. She looked at the clock again, 8:30 pm.

Where is he? Did he forget about me?

She wanted to call him but he never gave her his number.

I'm an idiot for not asking for his number. Melody was getting sad.

Nessa was right, he is bad news, I should have listen to her.

Just then there was a knock on her window. She puts on her sweater and looks out the window. It's Jason.

"I'm really sorry princess."

"Oh, it's fine! No worries. I thought you forgot about me." She said.

"Now why would I forget a date with you?" He smirked.

"Is that why you're wearing a suit?"

Jason climbed up into her room and he gives her flowers and chocolate as an apology. He explains why he was late.

"You see princess, since Bruce Wayne is my legal guardian I'm suppose to be going to all these events/parties he goes to. I know I had mentioned that I was gonna help him and stuff and I know I promised to come see you at 8'o clock but the truth is the event started earlier then I thought. I had to sneak out of the fancy ass party, suit and all. I understand if you don't want me to be here right now."

"Jason it's ok. I understand." She smiled.

"Do you still want to get to know me better or should I go home?"

"Stay, I wanna know you."

Jason and Melody stayed up 3:45 am ignoring the fact that they both had a full day at school tomorrow. She told him everything about the how her father discovered her mother cheating on him. About her mother always abusing her and about her baby sister being in foster care.

"She was taken away when the whole custody battle thing was going on. Charlie never cared for her, she was always trying to find ways to keep us both, for child support and all. One day I came home from school to find a lady taking her from us. She was only 3 months old. Her name was Amethyst Rose Miller and she's 5 years old by now."

Jason saw sadness in Melody's eyes he hugged her tight.

"Jason," she said. "Can you pass me the chocolates?" Jason handed her the chocolates.

"If your sister is in foster care, why didn't they take you too?"

"My father put her in foster care before the custody battle took place in court. She was young, he didn't want her to go with Charlie if he lost. He was sure that he was going to win full custody of me. But he lost, I only see him on holidays. I'm use to all this. It's nothing new."

"I'm sorry princess. You'll get her back one day. I know you will."

"Tell me about you, I've been talking a lot!"

Jason told her everything, his parents dying when he was six because his father worked for Two-Face, how he was a wreck and a criminal and once even decided to steal the tires of the bat mobile. When he was 12 he met Bruce Wayne.

"Bruce Wayne being my new dad... Kinda hard to grasp on the idea but it was there. He took me in and he was the best dad I could of asked for but I do miss my real parents. You know, kind to think of it Bruce and I are similar. I guess that's why we get along so well. Except for the.. Never mind. That's another story for another night."

Melody looked at the clock, 6:45 AM.

"Damnit!" She said.
"What's wrong?" Jason asked.

"I need to get some sleep before class in an hour. But you know what? It's ok. I love spending time with you." She said and she got close to him.

"I love spending time with you too Melody." He replied as he took a step forward and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you for letting me into your world." Melody said.

"Same to you princess." He slowly placed a kiss her cheek and climbed out her window. Melody blushed a little.

"I'll see you later!" She said to him.

"See you soon." Jason said as he walked away.

Best night ever... Now, what should I wear?

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