The Walk Home

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Melody rushes out of class as fast as she could. She was excited to walk home with Jason, she wanted to know more about this guy, his fears, his dream, his favorite color and more. As Melody sees Jason across the hall she is pushed into the girls restroom.

"Melody are you crazy?! You're walking home with Jason?!" Vanessa yells at her.

"Calm down Vanessa. I'm sorry I know he's kinda mean to you but I'm actually interested in him." Melody replies.

"Melody, He's bad news. I looked him up, his "dad" is Bruce Wayne, he was an orphan and he did bad things and he still does them. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I know he told me about that but please? Let this take its course?"

"I warned you Melody! If he hurts you don't come crying to me. I know I'm suppose to support you but my gut tells me he's bad."

"I know Vanessa, I know. I need to get going now. I'll call you later." Melody said as she walked out.

"Jason!" Melody yelled.

"Hey Melody, ready to get going?"

"Yes I am."

"Let's get going princess."

Melody couldn't help but to blush.
He called me princess. What if he's interested in me? She thought to herself.
What if he flirts like that with all the girls?

"Did you just call me princess?"

"Yeah. What you don't like it ?"

"No, I'm not use to hearing that, that's all. I don't get a lot of complements from guys."

"I thought guys would complement you all the time. You're very beautiful."

Melody blushes, and thanks Jason. The walk to her house was quite long but interesting for both of them. They couldn't stop talking to one another until they got to the front of Melody's house.

"Well here we are Melody." Jason says.

"Yeah home sweet home huh?" She replied in a sad tone.

"You ok Mel's?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Guess this means you go home from here?"

"I don't have to go home right away. You want me to stay a bit longer don't you?" He says as he smirks.

"It's just I want to get to know you that's all." She blushes a bit.

"Alright how about I come around eight and I'll stay for an hour or so and we can get to know one another?" Melody smiles at the idea.

"I'd like that Jason. But wait, didn't you say you were busy tonight and couldn't help me find Robin?" She says.

"Um, yeah.. but only cause I'm scared that we won't find Robin but run into Batman."

"Lame! You're scared of Batman!"

"Shut up!

"Make me!"

As soon as Melody said that Jason planted his lips onto hers causing Melody to panic a bit. Till she figured out what was going on.

"See you tonight?" She says as she walks inside her home.

"Yes. I'll be here at 8" Jason said as he walked away.

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