Ladies, Mr. Wayne. Mr. Wayne, Ladies.

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The school day was finally over, Jason was waiting for Melody and Vanessa in front of the school entrance like they had planned.

"Hurry up Nessa, we need to meet Jason in front of the entrance! We can't be late."

"Clam down, I'm sure the driver won't be here on time anyways."

As they turn to the corner they see Jason standing next to a fancy white car. Jason opens the car door and motions them to get in. Vanessa quickly gets into the car and is followed by Melody and Jason.

"This is a very nice car you got!" Says Vanessa.

"Thanks, it's all mine." Jason says.

Another voice talks.

"Jason, this Isn't your car. It's mine."

"Oh my gosh, aren't you Bruce Wayne? What are you doing driving us around?! We should be driving you around!" Melody says as she try's not to freak out over the fact that she met the famous Playboy millionaire.

Jokingly, Bruce responded."Don't be silly, I need to practice anyways I'm trying to get my drivers license this year. But introduce yourselves to me tell me a bit about you."

"Well I'm Jason Todd. I'm-"

"Not you Jason." Bruce responded. "I'm very aware of who you are and what you do. Let the girl in the middle speak first."

Melody began to speak. "Well I'm Melody Miller, I like to sing and I'm really good in math and I was also rescued by Batman and Robin recently."

Bruce almost stopped the car when he heard that last sentence but he tried to play it off as best he could. "Batman and Robin you say, those awful vigilantes that's on the news? Where did you say you saw them?"

"They aren't as bad as everyone thinks!" Melody says defensively. "They saved me from a joker thug that tried to hurt me when I was going home late at night. It was Robin who was being sweet to me. Good looking and all under the mask and all. He's the one who actually saved me and walked me home. Batman was just cold and he scared me honestly."

Jason starts laughing. Bruce says nothing and asks for the other girl, who was Vanessa, to tell him about herself.

"Well I'm Vanessa Vega. I like forensic science, history, and math. So Mr. Wayne if you ever need anyone to count your money you can just give me a call. I also like to do charity work and have a lot of fun."

"Oh shut up Vega you know the old man doesn't care." Jason responds to her.

"Jason! Don't be rude to Melody's friend. In fact Vanessa how would you and Melody like to go to a charity banquet with Jason and I in a few weeks? Of course you can invite your boyfriend if you want." Bruce says.

"Mr. Wayne are you serious?!" Vanessa exclaimed. "I don't have a boyfriend but I'd still sure love to go somewhere fancy. Oh Melody let's go!"

"Sign us up Mr. Wayne. We'll gladly go." Melody replies.

"We can continue this conversation another time." Bruce says as he gets out the car to open the door for the girls.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jason. It was great meeting you Mr. Wayne." Says Melody.

"Please call me Bruce. Mr. Wayne was so last year. Enjoy the rest of your day girls. Study hard." Bruce said as he gets in the car and drives away.

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