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Melody was laying down in her room, all dressed up and waiting to get going until she suddenly heard a voice screaming outside her door.

"Melody! You little slut!" She wasn't sure who's voice it was.

"Oh crap," Melody thought, "Is that Charlie or Vanessa?"

Melody knew Charlie caught Jason climbing out her window, she would be in serious trouble. She slowly walks to her door.

Ok if it's Charlie, duck, she's gonna take a good swing at me.

She thought as she opened the door.

"Why are you calling me a slut Ch-" she said as she was cut off.

"I saw him! That boy!" Vanessa said as she smiled real big. Melody rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag.

"Come on let's get going." Melody said.

"So Melody, what happen ? Did you guys..?"

"Nessa that's gross! No of course not! We were just talking all night."

"Alright alright, even though I was going to say kiss, it was just a question. So what did you tell him?"

"Everything. Even about my baby sister."

"Wait, baby Amethyst?"

"Yeah... Was that to much?"

"No, well kinda. That's a very personal thing to talk about to a stranger Melody. You never told me till 3 years after I met you."

"I know but I feel like I know Jason already you know?"

"In a way, yeah I get it. But did he tell you anything that personal?"

"Yeah he did actually, lots."

"I'd ask but I know you wouldn't tell me Mel, haha."

"Well I can tell you how he became Bruce Wayne's Ward since it's not a big deal haha."

Just as Melody was about to explain she bumped into Jason.

"Oh hi Jason!" She said.
"Uh hey Melody." Vanessa felt strange from being around them so she decided to leave them alone.

"Mels I'll see you in home room I got some homework to finish up. Later." Vanessa said as she walked away.

"So.. Mels, what did you tell Vanessa? I know she's your best friend, you must have told her something about me." Jason said.

"Nothing. I swear, I mean I was gonna tell her how Bruce Wayne is your dad, but I didn't get the chance. I hope you aren't mad." Melody replied.

"I'm furious! That's private information!" Jason exclaimed.

"Haha, I'm kidding. That's fine with me." Jason continued in a joking matter.

"Oh god, you really scared me. Well, I have to go to Homeroom, I'll see you at lunch right?" Melody asked. Jason nodded his head yes, quickly pecked her cheek and slowly walked away.

~A Matter of Love~ Jason Todd FanficWhere stories live. Discover now