Charity Banquet

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The next two weeks flew by as Vanessa and Melody were quickly rushing to prepare for the big event. They have buying all sorts of dresses, and accessories every other day after school. Jason took them with Bruce's credit card of course.

The night before the banquet Bruce had invited Vanessa and Melody to sleep in the manor. They woke up early in the morning the next day.

"What about I wear a red dress? Like stand out?"

"Melody, we're both 18, going with Bruce Wayne and Jason. We're already gonna stand out!"

"Oh right. I forgot. I'm just excited that it's finally the day you know? It's gonna take us all day to get ready!"

Jason walks in the conversation

"Good thing the old man let me convince him to get you a stylist for tonight. Vanessa, you're gonna need the most work."

Vanessa throws her phone at Jason. He dodges it and runs away while Vanessa chased after. Melody shakes her head and walks to the mirror holding her hair in a high pony tail.

The stylist came in around 5:00. Melody still couldn't figure out what dress she was gonna wear, she secretly wanted to match with Jason but didn't want him to know.

"Melody, what do you think ? How do I look?" Vanessa asked.

"Nessa! You look amazing!" Melody replied.

Vanessa smiled and got up quickly from the chair. "Ok. I'm gonna go change and make sure Jason doesn't see you yet. See you in a few."

"What color is your dress for tonight?" Marc, the stylist, asked.

"Red, I'm wearing a red dress." Melody replied.


It was 7:30 by the time everyone was finally ready. Bruce and Jason were waiting by the door. Marc came down the stairs. "The Beautiful ladies should be down any minute now Mr. Wayne thank you for inviting me over." Jason opened the door to let the stylist out. As he was closing the door he heard the girls quickly running down stairs.

"Mr Wayne! I'm so sorry we took forever to get ready!" Melody said from the top of the stairs.

"It's alright girls, I like showing up to these events a little late anyways. I'll meet all of you in the car."

Jason turned around and saw Melody. He thought that she was the most beautiful girl he's ever laid his eyes on. "Wow" he said. "You, you looks amazing Melody. No you look beautiful, gorgeous even."

"At a lost for words?" Melody asked.

Jason nodded. He kissed her cheek.

"If you two love birds are done we have an event to get too come on!" Vanessa reminded them.


They all arrived to the banquet, and just as Melody predicted, all the attention was on her and Vanessa.

"Don't worry princess, you'll get use to it. It was like that at first for me." Jason said.

"I don't know. I don't like the attention. I don't want them to judge me cause I'm not like them."

"Hey I'm not like them either. Bruce is my adopted dad remember ? I grew up on the streets and just to happen to have an interesting background."

"You're right. I'm sorry. I keep forgetting that part."

"Go sit down at our table for a bit with Vanessa. I'll meet you two there in a bit. I need to make a quick phone call."

Before Jason could could reach his phone, an uninvited guess was spotted at the banquet. Who knew what Selina Kyle was up too tonight.

"I have to tell Bruce..."

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