cammie's p.o.v.
chapter 1
2/16/16today was the day i would be moving from maryland to virginia. not a very big move, but a huge impact. i hated change more than anything. the worst part was it was february which meant they would be in the middle of third quarter. i look around the empty room i grew up in one last time. all the memories still held in the room. i was going to miss this place. i close the door stealing one last glance at the room, now empty as i closed the memories.
i walk downstairs where my luggage was and saw my best friend, paige.
"you didn't forget about me yet right?" she asks as i come down the stairs.
smiling, i tell her, "how could i ever forget about my best friend?"
i walk closer to her so i can hug her. paige and i had become close in 6th grade and now i was moving. of course we were inseparable we were so close people thought we had been friends for longer.
"i'm going to miss you a lot." i say.
"who wouldn't?" she asks trying to lighten up the mood.
i laugh "don't worry i'm going to visit every other week."
"i know but it's not the same as seeing you everyday." she says sadly
"i know" i say sadly as well, "but it's the best we can do."
"plus it's not like you won't be visiting me." i say
"okay well i should probably let you go." she says smiling sadly.
"oh wait i got you something." i tell her, "let me go grab it real quick."
"i got you something too." she says grabbing something from behind her.
i go into the kitchen and grab the bag with her present. i got her a necklace she had been wanting from forever 21 for the longest time ever, some gift cards to her favorite stores, and some candy. i walk back to the front of the stairs where she was standing and hand her the gift.
"i hope you like it." i say smiling
she smiles back and hands me my gift. the bag is huge and looked pretty heavy.
"okay should we open it at the same time?" i ask
"yeah." she says looking excited. she always loved seeing peoples faces when she gave them gifts.
we both sit on the ground and open the bags. when i look inside the first thing i see is a whole bunch of candy and mountain dew. she knew my favorite drink was mountain dew. smiling i dig deeper into the bag to see a huge scrapbook. i look up at her smiling, as she smiles back at me. i open up the scrapbook to see screenshots from all the times we facetimed and all the pictures we took. i feel tears form as i look down at the book filled with all our memories and inside jokes to go with them. i go up to her and hug her.
"there's more." she said smiling even more.
i look inside and see it's the instax smartphone printer. i had been wanting it for the longest time ever, there was also film for the printer. i smiled even more if that was possible. i hug her again even tighter.