Part 31

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The room was damp and cold, a single lightbulb was swinging loosely above me and it flickered more than the amount of light it actually gave out.
Whimpering echoed to my right and as I attempted to turn my head my neck throbbed and my eyes watered. I decided to stop moving and glanced over with my eyes, it was Milly. She was sat in the corner of the room, her body had rope around it and it was tied to a pipe behind her, her hands bound together too.
My hands were secured behind my back, I forcibly turned my head to my side, a sob escaped my lips as my head began to spin. I noticed bars to a drain, the handcuffs I had locked around my wrists were hooked under it.
"Nicole" Milly whispered across to me, I looked up and saw tear stains on her face.
I tried to clear my throat, my mouth was dry and my throat was coarse. My lips quivered as I panted out my words and occasionally wretching and choking on them. "I..I'm sorr..y" I coughed and a metallic taste filled my mouth. I spat it out on to the floor next to me and recoiled in disgust.
"Oh god, are you okay?"
"Y..yeah, sh...shhshh!"
I watched her nod but her eyebrows furrowed with concern.
As the room grew silent I managed to hear rustling chains. I grimaced as I turned my head to my left and I saw an open doorway to another room, I could see a figure upside down, hanging from the ceiling and swaying slightly. Mike.
A door creaked open then slammed shut violently, a set of footsteps crossed the wet concrete floor, I saw them under Mike's head, and stopped in front of him.
"Ceci est le fils de pute qui a tué nos hommes!" I watched the man reach behind Mike and unfasten a piece of cloth that was tied at the back of his head, Mike coughed and spat at the man causing him to be punched, with the way his body swung backwards I think it was his stomach.
He laughed menacingly, was he trying to get himself killed! "I know you talk English!"
"You want me to repeat, but in English for you?" He stepped to the side so I could see him more clearly.
"No, I know what you said!" He gargled a laugh, "I am the so called son of a bitch that has been hunting you all down!"
The man revealed a gun from his waist and turned off the safety. He pointed it at the ceiling and shot the chain. Mike fell to the floor, but he tucked his head forward to land in a roll on to his feet. The man's smirk disappeared when Mike kicked him in his knee then collided their heads together. The man fell to the floor and Mike staggered back until he reached the wall. The man growled and my heart started racing as he tried reaching for his gun. Mike jumped and managed to swing his arms from his back to his front. My eyes widened as I couldn't believe it, I only saw that in films! He ran to the gun, firstly kicking the man in the face and picking up the gun to shoot him in his head. He unfastened his hands then turned to look into the room where I awaited him with Milly. His hair was wet from sweat and was stuck to his face, he ran in and shot the handcuffs behind my back, then raced to Milly to free her.
"M-Mike!" He joined my side again as Milly stood behind him.
"Oh god, Nicole don't talk!" He placed his fingers on my neck and I winced. "Your neck, fuck! I am going to kill that bastard, I am going to find that dick Richard!" He lifted me up and put me over his shoulder and he grabbed Milly's arm and pulled her along, his arm held my legs whilst he held the gun in that hands grip. He let go of Milly as he peered into the hallway. He motioned her to follow as I looked around his arm. They silently stepped down the hallway until we reached a corner, Mike inched his face around the corner and he swapped the gun into his right hand so he could shoot whoever was in the way.
Milly flinched and whimpered with the sound so I lifted my arms and struggled to cover her ears as the shots continued. Mike reached for one of Milly's hands and pulled her around the corner. At the end of the corridor was a lift, a ding echoed down the corridor as we got halfway and I peered upside down under Mike's arm to see the doors open and men step out. Milly had been letting out little cries as we passed the dead bodies but now she cried out in fear as she hid behind Mike.
"No, no, no! We're gonna die! We're never getting out of here!"
Mike raised his gun and shot two of the men but he wasn't fast enough for the last man. Mike tried to dodge the bullet the man had sent our way but I could tell Mike wasn't successful as his muscles tensed. He didn't fall or react in any other way to show he'd been hit, I don't think he realised I knew, yet he still tried to cover it. He immediately fired his gun at the remaining man.
"Come on, now's our chance to get out!"
We got inside the lift and Mike put me down on the floor. I grabbed his dirty torn top so he couldn't evade my concern, but he clasped my wrist and pleaded with his eyes to let go. I released my fingers and saw them stained with fresh blood, I had grabbed the area of his wound. There was no chance of him denying it now. I caught Milly's eyes fixated on my fingers and an expression of horror covered her face.
"Holy shit, where the fuck did that blood come from!"
"Milly it's nothing to worry about!" Mike looked over his shoulder to her then closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath. He stood up and located the elevator buttons and pressed one. It shook and began to move, I couldn't help but feel nauseous.
I was lifted back over his shoulder and we hid on either side of the doors. The ping indicated we had reached the floor and we waited a few seconds after the doors opened to listen for anyone on the other side.
It sounded busy, and it confused us all. Mike hid the gun and stepped out, we were in a reception of some sort. I could see upside down business men and women darting around. None of them noticing us.
Mike had to grab Milly so he could quickly exit the building before anything else could occur.
Confusion at this moment was an understatement!
We were on the street and Mike somehow found a bus station which had a bus immediately approach it. Now there was attention on us as the whole bus gave us wary looks. It was quite discomforting.
As we took our seats I was in Mike's embrace and Milly took the seat beside him.
"How are you going to pay when we get off?" Milly looked deep in thought and worried, she was as innocent as me before I met Mike. Concerned about the little things.
"I have an idea." I painfully looked up at him to see him frown, this should be interesting!
Our hotel was the next stop so Mike had me back on his shoulder as he stepped off balance down the aisle. He almost toppled on to an old lady and her squeals were followed with many apologies in French by Mike. I think I heard Milly giggle. When we got to the front the bus had reached our stop.
I noticed Mike's hand reach for the gun he hid in his belt but the bus driver muttered something to Mike, "ne vous inquiétez pas, je ne vais pas vous faire payer! Vous avez tous bien évidemment vécu assez!"
I heard a slight sigh as a reply from Mike, followed with 'merci' before taking us off the bus.
"What did he say?" Milly asked my question that I was unable to speak.
"He had sympathy for us so he didn't charge us for the ride." That was generous and rather fortunate for the driver as I had no idea what Mike would have done with the gun. "There was a camera on board though so we must leave immediately!"
As we entered the lobby the receptionist glanced up at us and looked startled. "Bon après-midi, mademoiselle!" Mike nodded at her but her eyes just widened as she tried her best to smile.
She stuttered a response after us as Mike awaited an elevator. "V-v-voulez-vous
que je l'appelle aucune aide pour vous?"
The elevator doors opened so Mike rushed inside. "Non!" She nodded just as the doors closed.
"What did she say Mike?"
"She asked if we needed any help."
"How could she have helped?"
"She was going to call for it!"
"We best get out of here!"
When we approached our floor it was silent and the entire time Mike thought someone was going to jump out and kill us. However there was nobody, luckily for us!
He sat me down on the edge of the bed and he went to retrieve our luggage, I watched with blurry eyes as my body swayed a little. The nauseating feeling still lingered but it was a lot worse. I fell from the side of the bed and tried to drag myself to the bathroom, I bit down on my lip to prevent whimpering as my whole body ached. I had just made it to the bathroom doorway when Mike wrapped his arms under my shoulders to hoist me up, but my body curled forward as I finally threw up. My throat burned and tears rolled down my face from the pain.
"Oh shit, Nicole! Angel I've got you it's ok!" He held back my hair with one hand whilst he wrapped his arm across my chest.
He moved me away from the mess on the bathroom floor and sat me up against a wall. He ran from our room and returned with a bowl, placed it on my lap, and handed me water.
"I hope this will do for now, I just need to sort out my wound before it gets infected!" I closed my eyes for a few seconds then looked back at him to tell him it was okay, which he understood, and started working on his bullet wound. He helped me wash my hands and face after he had finished to remove the blood and sick stains, then we changed into clean clothes to look more acceptable.
It took him a few trips to put all of our luggage, including Milly's, into his car. And he was finally able to take me down to the underground garage to begin our journey home.
He laid me down across the back seats and placed a cold cloth over my head. I slept most of the journey, I only remember when we arrived at the ferry. The custom men were concerned with our bruised appearances and we didn't have a hospital note to allow us to leave. Mike explained to them that it happened on our way down when we stopped at services, which they believed and allowed us on. Only after they searched the car for any threat, and checked us individually. Mike had hidden his gun under his seat which they surprisingly didn't check.
Onboard the ferry I found the same location we sat at on our way to France and resumed the position of leaning on Mike's lap. Milly pulled up a cushioned armchair and curled up on it whilst reading a magazine.
"Do you still feel sick Angel?"
"Mmm.." I coughed and winced, instantly regretting replying, though I knew a nod would be agonising too!
"Shit!" He sat me up and held me forward as I began wretching. "I'm so sorry." He then grabbed my waist and lifted me off my feet as he ran to the toilets. The disabled room was empty, to our advantage, and he burst in placing me in front of the 'throne'. Mike took the bobble from my wrist and attempted to put my hair into a ponytail, many strands fell back down to my face but he just tucked them behind my ears.
I clenched my stomach as it felt uneasy whereas Mike ran his hands up and down my arms to soothe me.
"I don't get why you're like this, they never gave you anything. I would be able to tell if they had!"
"Not...that" I wretched again and removed whatever substance was left in my stomach.
"Oh yeah sea sick!"
I slowly sighed as I tried to not think about the foul taste in my mouth.
"But you were sick earlier!" I motioned with my hand a circle, "spinning?" I motioned 'no' then held finger up then immediately down. "Upside down!" I gave him thumbs up as he chuckled to himself. I wasn't able to tell him the lift made me feel sick too, it felt too much like a boat. "I like this game, it's like...what's it called?" He began clicking to himself as he was concentrating, "that miming game, you know what it's called right?" He waited but I didn't bother responding, because I couldn't without creating pain for myself. "Charades! Yes got it!"
I groaned to myself, it wasn't fair that he was able to be cheerful!
That goddamn happy handsome bastard!
'Excusez mon français'
"We best return to Milly, if you're feeling better now!"
I spat out the vile taste and flushed the toilet, then scrambled to the sink to clean my hands and rinse out the rest of the 'poison' from my mouth.
"I'm not sure that's sanitary!" I glared at him as water leaked from my open mouth. "I'm guessing that glares for being too late?" I wiped my mouth hoping I don't now become ill.
Beautiful idiotic asshole!
With my struggle of movement I had spilt water all over me, which surprisingly Mike didn't find amusing. He dried my chin and neck with a paper towel then helped me back to our seats.
"You took ages guys! You feeling alright Nikki?" I attempted to give Milly a believable smile, so she nodded. I resumed my position on Mike and let sleep consume me as I wanted to forget all of my restrictions at this moment.
"Want something to eat angel?" I kept my eyes closed as I held a thumbs up to him. "Ok great, cos I'm starving!" He lifted me up and delicately put me back down on the cushioned window seat. He kissed my forehead then left.
He woke me again by stroking hair from my face. He held a tray, on it was a full English breakfast. My stomach felt uneasy, maybe I don't want anything to eat! He held the tray with one hand as he helped me sit up. He joined me and I saw things hidden behind his tower of food. A yogurt, bagel with a pot of butter, and a chocolate bar strangely enough!
"There's an apple in that cup, I didn't want it to fall off, and I know you enjoy them for breakfast!" He looked to the side and squinted. "Though it is night time, but yeah this is what they were selling and I'm not complaining!" I pointed to the chocolate bar. "Energy!" He lifted my hand and pointed my finger to myself. "For you" I pointed to Milly who was sleeping. "She denied me getting her anything as she has no appetite after today!" I placed my hand on his cheek and stroked it. "You want to kiss me?" I looked to his lips then to his eyes and removed my hand. I covered my mouth, making myself paranoid. "I don't care that you're all sicky, I love you and love kissing you!" I smiled beneath my hand and my eyes dropped to his hand on my leg. "Plus you're cleaned up so..." He raised his eyebrows and grinned, I just gave him evils, cheeky bugger! He quickly grabbed my hand away and stole the kiss I wanted to give but didn't at the same time! His hand then glided over my neck, carefully avoiding any pressure.
I poked his stomach as the smell of his food was becoming stronger and making me uncomfortable.
"Okay I get it, you want to eat!" He handed me my apple then busied himself with his own food.
I surprised myself with eating the other food he bought me, it did help me have more energy.
But when we arrived back at Dover I was strapped in the back of the car again so no strain could occur to my neck if anything happened, so I slept the rest of the journey in the night.
I wonder which reaction Cody will have when we get home.
I'll bet he will be pretty pissed off as soon as he sees my neck. There'll be the famous Mike and Cody stand off. Maybe an argument over how things should have happened. Actually no, there will be that argument, without a doubt!
Mostly, I hope he's happy we're home alive.


I apologise for the length of time you had to wait for this update, I have had a mental block on my mind, I knew what I wanted to write after this Part but I couldn't create a good enough story for this Part. It was so difficult! But I hope you enjoyed it! Xx

Annaise <3

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