Part 9

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Cody was sat on the sofa waiting, whilst I was getting ready. I curled up into a ball on the space next to him. He was holding a piece of paper and a pen.
"So, what do you want to be called?"
"But that's the same name!"
"And? They will be expecting me to change it!"
"I'll put Nikki, how about that?"
"Sure. Close enough!"
"Date of births going to be the same, place of birth I will put as a few towns over to the original. Nationality, British. Last name, hm?"
"Great, we're getting somewhere!"
We spent all morning making a new identity for me. And then Cody went on to the nearest colleges web page to contact the principle. It took quite a while but I got accepted a place at the college. However I won't be starting today!
I spent the rest of the day going through outfits to wear. Then Cody took me food shopping as he still owed me my minstrels. We went around the supermarket clueless to where everything was, which made it more adventurous. I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked through the different aisles. He was pushing the trolley so I folded my arms across my chest.
"You alright?" He turned his head to look down at me.
"Yeah, I mean no. I don't know!" I sighed in frustration. "I'm nervous about tomorrow, what if I'm killed?"
"So you want me to stand in the shadows then?"
"No! That makes you sound like a stalker!" I giggled making him chuckle.
"What do you want me to do?"
"I really don't know!" We were silent as I thought of something. "Can you teach me some self defence moves?"
"Sure, whatever will make you feel safe!" He wrapped his left arm around me and rubbed my arm reassuringly.
We got back to the cottage and put the shopping on the countertop.
I turned to Cody as he stepped closer to me. It was really strange.
My eyes opened in shock as he pounced at me, a squeal noise came out of my throat as I fell to the floor.
"What are you doing!" My back ached a little from the fall and I was frowning.
"I thought you wanted to learn self defence?" I forgot about that!
A smile appeared on my face which made Cody raise his eyebrow.
I hit his left arm outwards so he lost his balance and toppled sideways, so I rolled out of the way so I didn't get squashed.
My arm was grabbed and I was pulled back. "No!" I tried to wiggle out of the grip but it was no use.
"Put your arms here." He held my wrists and put my arms across my chest. "Then throw your elbows backwards!" I did as he said and the wind was knocked out of him. I scrambled forward and turned to see him rubbing his chest.
"No, don't be...that was great!" He kept taking in sharp breaths. I had hurt him quite badly!
I moved back towards him and knelt down in front of him. "I'm so sorry-" he pushed me backwards on to my back. "Hey!"
"Don't ever have sympathy for the enemy!" I laughed and shook my head, it was all an act. He stayed there looking into my eyes. What was that look in his eyes? He lowered his face down to me and I now remembered what it was.
He pressed his lips against mine and my hands rested on his chest. He rose so we were sitting up straight. Why was I letting this happen, I loved Mike! I pushed his chest away and moved my head down to look at my lap. I stood up and left to my room.
I stopped on the way there and looked to the left where Mike's room was. I turned towards it and decided to go in there instead.
'I never deserved someone like you Mike. But I don't want anyone else!'
"Nicole, I'm sorry if I upset you!"
"I just want you to be my friend! I'm not ready for a relationship, and I don't think I ever will be!" I regretted saying those last words out loud. Cody will be hurt, very badly in his heart. "Cody, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"
"I understand!" His voice was full of sadness, I felt so guilty. I heard him walk away and listened to his bedroom door click shut. I am so sorry!
I threw myself on Mike's bed and screamed out with frustration into the pillows. I was so heartless sometimes, but I could only think of it as cheating on Mike, even though he's not alive anymore.
I can remember falling asleep but a knock on my door woke me up.
"You up?"
"Get up, you're going to be late!"
I groaned into the sheets but dragged myself out of the bed and into the bathroom. After I was all clean I stumbled to my room to get changed into the clothes I got out the previous day. My outfit was a white blouse with a cream leather jacket over the top of it and some neutral long pants. For my shoes I found some neutral ballet style flats. Hopefully my outfit will make me look nicer than a nerd!
I ran out of my room with a beige shoulder bag and went to the kitchen to grab an apple. I bit into it and turned almost bumping into Cody, as I never realised he was right behind me.
"Are you ready to start a new college?"
"Not really, I don't know anyone!" I took a lot of bites out of my apple and threw the remainder into the bin.
"That's the fun thing about meeting new people. You can make friends!"
I sighed almost spitting parts of apple out of my mouth, whilst Cody literally pushed me out of the cottage.
"Get in the car, you'll be late if you don't hurry up!"
I swallowed the apple mush and rolled my eyes as I slipped into the car which I noticed also had that special scent of Mike's. I took in a deep breath which calmed my nerves, it would be better if Mike was here to cuddle. That would help!
We set off and sped down the country lane to the main road.
The journey from the main road would take around seven minutes, that meant I was going to be early so I could get my timetable, and hopefully find my way around the college to my first lesson. Without being late.
Cody pulled up at the entrance where groups of people were going in. I took in a deep breath and looked across to Cody.
"See you in under six hours!"
"Yeah!" I opened the door and stepped out, looking cautiously at the people passing by.
"You'll be fine!"
I hope so! "Good luck by the way!"
"Thanks, you too!"
Cody watched me all the way into the building, then he drove off to his job interview.
I waited at the office for the receptionist to turn up and when she did she took forever to give me my timetable and a brief description of the times of the day.
I looked at the first lesson my day will bring. It was English, this was going to be a long day!
"Hey, you're new right?"
I turned around on my seat to see a guy grinning in the seat behind me.
"Yeah, I am!"
"I'm Ian!" He held out his hand.
I thought about the new name I was given, "Nikki." I shook his hand awkwardly, I never got this much attention, I only had one friend and she left me most of the time to be with her boyfriend.
"Is that short for anything?" Just as I peeled my hand away from his I felt my palm begin to sweat. Did he know? "Like Nikita?"
I mentally sighed, "no, just Nikki!"
"Oh, cool. Nice to meet you by the way!"
"Yeah, you too!"
The lesson went really slow which was agonising because I could tell Ian was staring at me.
When the lesson was over I jumped up out of my seat and left the room before the big crowd. I heard him calling after me.
I looked at my timetable for my next lesson. It was chemistry, things will get easier for me now!
I got into the class just on time, I got slightly lost, and I recognised a face that was looking my way with a smile saying he too recognised me. I felt my whole body drop into a frown but I forced myself to smile so I didn't look ignorant.
I found a seat on the opposite side of the room and a girl was next to me. She gave me one horrific look, saying she didn't like my move. Then she turned slightly so her back was to me for the rest of the lesson.
She seemed very nice, sarcasm by the way. She was one of those spoilt loved girls, but not loved by people like me!
After that painful lesson of being blocked out by my lab partner and again being stared at by Ian, there was lunch. And I couldn't have been more wound up!
I got to the food court and got into the huge queue. I was about to be served but a bunch of guys pushed in front of me. The lunch lady didn't look pleased and she told them to get to the back of the line, they obviously refused!
They looked at me when the lady said 'this young lady has been waiting patiently!' I really hated her bringing me into this!
"I'm sure she doesn't mind!"
I knew he wasn't saying it questioningly, he was telling me.
I have killed before, and I want to kill people like this! And what I mean is cocky teenage guys thinking they rule everything, people.
"I actually do mind!"
The group all looked at me and each gave me threatening eyes.
"Excuse me?"
"Hey guys!" Their attention turned to someone coming over and their expressions turned to grins as a guy came over to them. "What's going on?"
"She's talking back!"
The guy who had just joined them turned to me and I wanted to take back talking back to the group of boys.
"Hey Nikki!"
A blonde one of the group stood next to him. "You know her!"
"Yeah, she's a newbie. Lets just go behind her, I don't want her to get beaten up on her first day!"
The group groaned in unison as they followed Ian to behind me.
After I payed for my food I found an unoccupied table in the corner of the food court. I prayed that the group didn't come over to bother me, and they didn't. Why would they anyway? I'm nothing special in the eyes of normal people.
I looked at my timetable at my remaining lessons. Maths then physics. I couldn't complain!
When I finished my lunch I decided to find my next classroom so I was early, and definitely wasn't going to be late. I also didn't have anything else to do!
The teacher came and smiled at me and unlocked the door, allowing me in too. I found a seat and waited bored for the rest of the class to arrive.
Luckily Ian wasn't in this class. But I was surrounded by obvious nerds.
This was the most fun lesson of the day, learning trigonometry, which to you might sound ultra boring!
I should have made the most of it too because physics was very unfortunate. I sat down at the front and guess who came and sat next to me. None other than Ian. And not only did he pester me all lesson trying to make conversation, but I was told that because I was making faster progress than anyone else, I was chosen to mentor the person behind. Who happened to be Ian. He wore a huge grin and I could feel the stress at the back of my eyes.
I left the room as fast as I could when it was over so I could escape Ian, I couldn't wait to get away from here!
Cody was waiting outside, the window down and smiling at me. He saw my unimpressed face and it dropped. I turned and saw Ian chasing after me. I got to the car and leaned into it through the open window forcibly kissing Cody but with passion, who happened to enjoy it. I pulled back and turned to see Ian stop and turn around, thank God!
I skipped around to the passenger side and collapsed into the seat.
"Wha...what happened to just friends?" I had left Cody almost speechless!
"That guy has been flirting with me all day!"
"Oh!" Cody had lost his hope.
"Sorry, I-"
"I'm your friend right?"
"Then I am more than happy to be your boyfriend whenever he's around!"
"Thank you!" I sighed with relief then kissed his cheek.
"Anytime!" He grinned as we began our journey back to the cottage.

Authors Note:

I hope everyone is enjoying Hidden Secrets. I have loads of ideas for later on.
Please leave comments on any errors or anything you need to ask me. Also please vote to get the story a better reputation!
Please comment opinions on the situation that happened with Mike and what you think of the story without him. I'm sad he's not in it to be there for Nicole though!
Thank you for all those supporting me xxx

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