Part 25

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I slowly got off the bed and stumbled towards the bathroom.
"Where are you going?" Mike was stood next to me holding my arm.
"I need to have a shower!"
"You can barely balance on your feet!"
"I don't care!" I slapped his hand off my arm and closed the bathroom door on him, you are not stopping me from doing everything Mickey Mouse! I got into the shower without slipping and gave myself a round of applause, in my mind!
I felt my mind get it's concentration back when I stood under the water for a while, and I felt as if it was washing away the headache and dizziness.
I turned the shower off and carefully got out, wrapping a towel tightly around me. I stepped onto the bathrooms tiles after getting out of the shower walkway and my legs gave way under me.
"Mike!" I screamed his name automatically and gripped on to the towel with one hand and held the other one out to grab on to something. My sight stopped working and I just felt the sensation of falling down until I felt smack on the side of my head and then the same side of my face was on the floor.
"Nicole!" I heard the door open, almost being knocked off its hinges, Mike's voice was full of concern and worry.
My vision came back and I noticed I was already trying to get myself up without realising it.
I re-gripped my towel just as the large strong hands delicately held me under my arms and helped me up.
"I told you!"
I started to cry, out of shock, and my free hand held the side of my head that was ten times as bad as the headache pain was before.
"Is your head in that much pain?"
"It hurts but I'm in a state of shock!"
Mike turned me to face him and hugged me. "Your hair smells nice!"
I giggled and opened my mouth, speaking before I could stop myself. "You smell nice!"
"Thanks Angel! So it was true what you said on the piggyback ride home!"
"Why wouldn't it be!"
"I've never seen you drunk before!"
"Sure!" He rolled his eyes then his look turned back to concern. "You need to get dry, you'll begin to get cold!" He removed his top and held it up in front of him. "It looks long enough!"
"You're joking right!"
"Lift your arms!"
"I can dress myself!"
"Well not today in the state you're in!"
I frowned at him. "Turn away!" He did but still held my shoulders. I lifted one arm through and held the towel whilst I prepared the other arm. "I bet you've done this loads of times!"
"Yeah!" I slapped his arm. "Hey! Maybe just the once!"
"I'm just kidding!" He turned so I covered his eyes.
"Don't you dare look!"
He chuckled and turned back away.
I slotted my other arm through and let the towel drop whilst I pulled the top down so it covered me up.
He looked back at me. "You need to lie down!" He backed up a few steps and lowered a bit, I gave him a quizzing look.
I lost balance and my feet left the ground. I squealed as Mike held me bridal style and carried me back to my room. He put me down on the edge of the bed and he sat down next to me.
"You'll need your beauty sleep today! Because you need to be wide awake for tomorrow!"
I lowered my eyebrows. "What is happening tomorrow?"
He tapped the end of my nose. "Now Angel, learn to be patient! Wait and you shall see!"
"You won't be saying that tomorrow when you realise what I've done!" He stood up and headed for the door. "Do get some sleep, you won't feel so bad otherwise!" He went out when I nodded.
What has he planned for tomorrow?

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