Part 14

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I laughed as Cody spun around holding a dress in front of him.
"Do you want me to get it you gay boy?"
"Would you!" He put on a voice and we both burst out laughing. He put the dress back on the rack and put his arm over my shoulder. We exited the shop and sat down on the nearest bench. I opened one of my shopping bags, a small one, and got out a packet of chocolates.
"Do you want one?"
"Please!" He opened his mouth for me to aim the tiny piece of chocolate in and like always it went in.
Cody stood up and ran around in a circle with his arms in the air. Shouting at the top of his voice, "and she scores! And the crowd go wild!" He faked a screaming crowd, making people look at him weirdly.
"Let's keep on moving blonde boy-" I thought back to all the times 'he' called Cody that. I felt my heart skip a few beats as it flipped in my chest. Then the back of my eyes throbbed.
"-Before security kick us out!"
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I just went elsewhere!" I waved my hand to blow away the thought. I stood up to join him.
"Okay then!"
I linked arms with Cody and rested my head on his shoulder whilst we carried on walking through the shopping centre.
"Do you want to go back home now!"
It was strange at first when Cody first called the cottage home, but now I was used to it. Because it was my home, it has been for four years.
"You know Cody, I think more of you than being my best friend, I think of you as a brother I never had!"
"Not only have you friend zoned me but now you're saying I'm like a brother, it does hurt me a little!"
"Is it not what you would like?"
"It's nice that you think of me as that close, but you know I still have those feelings for you!"
"Yeah I know, but when I brought that Ian over you went all brotherly like and then kicked his sorry ass!"
"Yeah, I found out why he was with you!"
"I'm glad you did to be honest, I thought he was being friendly then he made his move!"
"And boy did he regret it!"
I remembered him pleading. "Yeah!"
I thought back to the entire situation.
I got back from college with Ian and we were sat on my bed going through physics notes, tapping my pen on the page repeatedly as I read over the equation for acceleration. I needed to think of a way to explain it to Ian.
He knocked my pen out of my hand which made me jump. "Will you stop doing that, it's really annoying!" He noticed my eyes were quite wide as it scared me a little, that was quite violent! "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine!" I got off the bed to retrieve my pen, not noticing that Ian got up too.
I stood back up and Ian walked me backwards towards the wall. I was still scared, he could hurt me if he had a temper!
He blocked my ways from escaping and lifted my chin so my eyes looked into his. A nasty grin spread across his face which made me feel nervous. I tried to push him away but he grabbed my wrist in a very firm tight grip.
"Ian, let go of me, you're hurting me!"
"I'm sorry Nicole, but-"
My bedroom door opened and Cody came in. He noticed Ian holding my wrist tightly and he could sense he wasn't here to get help with physics!
"Let her go!"
"Let who go?"
"Nikki! Let her go!"
"She's not Nikki!-" He snapped his attention back to me, "-are you?"
"Yes, I am!"
"Don't lie to me!" He spat it in my face making me turn it to the side squeezing my eyes tight, just as my body began to tremble in fear. "I know who you are, I'm not stupid!"
There was a sound of impact, followed with a click. I heard Ian yell out in pain. I opened one of my eyes when my wrist was released and saw Ian had fallen to the floor.
He looked up as blood drooled out of the side of his mouth. His nose slightly crooked
"You f-" he swore, "Who do you think you are, you little s-" and again.
"I'm her guardian, ass!" Cody was stood protectively in front of me. "Don't you dare lay another finger on her again!"
"I don't want there to be a chance of that Cody!" If he was set free he would tell the others everything. Where we live, the college I'm attending, everything!
"Are you seriously letting me?"
"Cody?" Ian looked confused. "You traitor, you f-in b-rd" he loves swearing! "You sided with her, that b-h!" Lovely, he gave me a nickname!
Cody raised a gun to his head, I didn't notice he had it on him, he must have got a bad feeling from him when I brought him in, so he came prepared.
"Wait, don't kill me!"
"Nicole, out!"
"In my room, seriously!"
"Fine!" Cody grabbed Ian's top and pulled him out of my room. The front door slammed and a shot was heard. I flinched, I would never get used to that sound!
I shivered as we got into the car park and got to the car. The car that used to be Mike's.
Why was I still thinking like this? I stopped thinking about him all the time last year, why had it all suddenly come back to me?
I looked out of my window and saw a figure hiding in the distance, I focused my sight to see if I was seeing right.
I got out of the car and made my way towards them.
They noticed and began to get away. I picked up my pace so I was jogging but the person was getting further away, I then sprinted after the person who went into the alleyway next to the shopping centre.
I got to the alley and stopped at the edge of the light.
I saw a figure move in the darkest shadows of the alley which made me take a step into the darkness.
"Nicole, what are you doing?" Cody had chased after me, he stopped at my side and looked at the same area as me.
"I saw someone!"
"There's nobody there!"
"I swear, I saw him!"
"Him?" I didn't want to remove my sight from the area where the figure was hiding, but I did to look at Cody for a split second, only to notice that he had an eyebrow raised questioningly.
He sighed and shook his head. "Nicole, that's impossible!"
"I know, but I saw him!" I got all teary eyed so Cody pulled me into his embrace, with my head flat against his chest. I rubbed my face into his top as I was frustrated with myself.
"I miss him so much!"
"I know!" He stroked my hair soothingly.
"How long will it take for me to get over it?"
"Because you had strong feelings for him it could take forever!"
"But I want the pain to go!"
"I'm sorry Nicole but I can't do anything!"
"Just take me home!" I reached for his hand and stood close to him. I needed support to help me through my emotional phases.
"Do you want to meet my manager tomorrow?"
"Yeah, sounds great!"
"It will be a way to get your mind off things!"
"I hope so!"
We got to the car and I felt nervous but excited. Meeting Cody's manager, this will be an interesting experience!
He will either like me or despise me. I hope I make a good first impression, it can't be redone!

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