Chapter 3: Spending the night at Dally's

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"Y/n!Pony! Wake up, you gotta go to school," I hear someone say. My eyes open as I see Ponyboy's arms around my waist. "Oh you gotta be shittin me," I hear Pony say. I chuckle at his statement.It was Soda trying to wake us up. "What grade are we in again Pony?" I ask as my mind draws a blank. "We are in 11th grade, even though you're supposed to be in 10th," Pony says starting to get out of bed. "Well excuse me if I'm smart and skipped a grade," I say getting up. I hear Pony mumble "whatever".

Large Time Skip

"How was your day at school Pony?"I ask as we walk to the lot. "You know Cherry?" He asks as I think about the question. I nod my head. Oh gosh how I hate her, my first day in 9th grade she punches me because we were wearing the same outfit. Like what the hell is wrong with her. Ever since then, I try to stay away from her. "Well, she said she liked me and she asked if I liked her," Ponyboy said as I feel my emotion change from mad to sad. I feel my complete chest drop. What was this feeling? I almost felt as if tears were about to stream down my eyes. "And?" I ask Pony thinking if he liked her. "I said no," I felt my happy self come back," but I said I'll go to the movies with her to see if I like her." Pony says as my happy self goes back to sad.

       "Oh," I say as I lower my head. "Are you okay Y/n?" I hear Pony ask as a tear comes from my eye. "I-I am just gonna go find D-Dally." I say as I turn around heading for Bucks house. "Y/n! Wait! I don't like her!! I like y-," I hear my Pony yell but I don't hear the last part because I'm running away from him. I don't want him to fall for Cherry, she'll probably ruin his personality and innocence.

I'm going up the stairs to Dally's room at Bucks place. I feel bad that I just ran away from Ponyboy like that, but I just felt heartbroken. I push the thoughts away as I knock on Dally's door. "What do you th-, oh hey y/n. Wait what's wrong doll?" Dally asks motioning for me to come in his room. I sit on his bed as he sits next to me. "Well, I don't know, just a lot of things." I say as I play with my fingers. "Well tell me, you trust me," Dally says as he plants a kiss on forehead. "Well, there's this girl that I really don't like and she's being annoying. Also I feel bad for Johnny, the other day I was walking past his house and I heard his parents hitting him and I heard Johnny yelling. It's just sad. I'm sorry for being emotional Dal," I say as I lean my head on his shoulder. It was true, I didn't lie, I just didn't tell him about me also being sad about Ponyboy going on a date with Cherry.

         "It's gonna be alright Y/n," I hear Dally say as he rubs my back. He then lays down on his bed and pulls me towards him. I am now laying next to Dal looking into his brown eyes. I feel Dally's thumb brush against my cheek and then puts a strand of hair behind my ear. I smile at his gesture and he smiles back. "So, are you gonna spend the night?" Dally says putting his forehead on mine. I nod my head and then we get under the sheets. I'm still facing Dally as he brings me closer to him and wraps his arms around me waist and puts his head in the crook of my neck.

"I love you Y/n," I hear Dally say. I blush very bad to where I can feel the heat on all of my face. I don't know what to say so I just say........

"I love you too Dal."

Sorry I haven't updated in over 20 days.
(749 words)
Okay, so Dally confessed. How did reader react, by confessing as well. One problem is that reader likes both Dally and Ponyboy. Things will get spicy so just wait till the next chapter. Till next time,

Stay Gold 💰


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