Chapter 14- Fool

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Finally another update. Sorry it took so long! Soon updates will be totally random and possibly far between because I have training and then back to classes and my internship. So I will be a crazy mess.


Chapter 14

Several minutes later, I had a big breakfast fixed for all of us and a full pot of coffee ready as Darrel came into the kitchen looking rough but much better than before. His eyes never left me as he sat down in a chair at the table.

“It looks great but I’m not sure I can eat,” he said looking a little green.

“Well, I ain’t been a drunk whiney ass for a week so, I think I will have some,” Keith said with a smirk as he piled food onto his plate. I got up, poured three cups of coffee and sat them all on the table. Darrel seemed to gulp his like his life depended on it and Keith took a small drink of his.

“Well, if you aren’t hungry how about we have a talk?” I asked Darrel. He looked over to Keith.

“Could we do that outside, please?” he asked. I nodded and followed him to the door. We walked out to his front porch and he motioned for me to sit but I shook my head.

“What is going on with you, Darrel? What is all of this about?” I asked. He sat down putting his head in both of his hands.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know,” he said.

“Look I will start; you really hurt me at the bar that night. I left because I felt really out of place with your friends when you left me sitting there alone with complete strangers to go and dance with a girl and I will admit it hurt my ego and made me angry that the girl happened to be very attractive,” he tried to interrupt me at this point but I held my hand up for him to let me finish. “No, I am not done. I am not a young, naïve girl. I am at the age that I will not play games with you at all. I will tell you exactly how I feel. Was I jealous? Probably and rightfully so because I am an older woman. Yes I understand that in the numeral sense I am not elderly compare to you and some of your friends, but I have been married for years and had a family; raised a daughter. I am going to be blunt and honest with you. I am not looking for a fling. I need a man who wants me and wants to be with me forever. If that’s not what you are offering or that you are not ready for something like that then please don’t put my heart through the pain of getting to know and care for you,” I finished with a sigh of defeat because all women know the best way to scare off a man is to mention a forever kind of commitment.

“Okay, well I will be honest with you too then. I wasn’t ready for that kind of thing. I mean I was pretty damn happy being a bachelor, having fun, and partying it up with different women. But the past several days have been hell without you. I need you so bad Lynnie. Maybe it was stupid to dance with another woman and leave you sitting there but I am not used to having anyone else to worry about but myself and I am sorry for that. I am sorry for everything I did that night,” he said. I nodded my head. I didn’t think he was ready for a serious relationship. Leaning down to his level I hugged him.

“Darrel thank you for making me feel wanted even if it was just a passing thing. You helped me get out of my slump I was in thinking my life was over after I lost my husband. Goodbye,” I said sadly as I pulled away from him, but his arms tightened around me.

“Please don’t leave me,” he begged. Tears welled up in my eyes. I jerked away from him.

“I can’t do this kind of relationship, Darrel. It’s just not who I am! I know what I want out of life,” I said angrily. I was honest and forthright with him and he does this? He jumped out of his chair and fell to his knees once again embracing my legs.

“I know what I want too. I want you. I want to wake up every morning to the sun shining on your face and your messy bedhead, and when I lay my head down at night I want your warm, soft body pressed against me,” he said while looking me in the eye.

“That’s plum romantic, if she doesn’t want ya, I will take ya,” we both looked to the open door to see Keith with his plate watching us as he still shoveled food into his mouth.

“Shut up, Keith,” we both said simultaneously. He held up one hand in a surrender fashion.

“Fine, fine I know when I am not wanted,” he said and walked away.

“Are you still drunk?” I asked Darrel. He stood and took my hands in his.

“No, please take me back. Just give me one chance to prove to you that I am the man you want and need in your life…forever,” he said looking at me.

“Don’t you think you would be better suited with someone like the blonde that you danced with the other night? She seemed beautiful, young and like a lot of fun,” I posed a little self-consciously.

“She is all of those things but there is just one thing missing?” he said making me feel even worse.

“What?” I asked.

“She is not you,” he said as he grabbed me and kissed me with such passion my toes curled without permission from the rest of my body.

“Don’t mind me, I am always up for good porn,” Keith said as he sat in the rocking chair on the porch. This quickly broke us apart.

“I should kick your ass,” Darrel said to Keith but I could tell he wasn’t 100% serious with that threat.

“I should go Ava will worry,” I said backing away and not really sure what just took place here. Darrel’s whole body snapped toward me.

“Could I maybe pick you up for dinner?” he asked me.

“Yeah,” I said. When I got back in my car and started down the road I thought to myself why did I just agree to another date with him? I must’ve still been high off his kiss.

Darrel’s POV

Hell yes! She said I could pick her up for dinner!

“Could I maybe pick you up for dinner?” Keith mocked in a girly voice. “Dude you are hopeless, why don’t you just propose to the woman?”

“Shut the hell up Keith, seriously what the hell were you trying to do here. You are supposed to help me not make her think I am a fool,” I said exasperatedly.

“Dude, I brought her here, which means I helped. You played a fool all on your own and damn you had no shame,” he said shaking his head laughing at me. I could help but be caught up in his laughter. Keith is like a little brother or son to me but it seems like he is my age with all of the growing up that was forced on the poor kid. He is a young kid, only 18 but has been on his own for three years with a lot of help from me. He even moved to the town next to this one to be near me. Although, at 18 he has a job and is going to school and doesn’t really need me anymore.


A little background on our funnyman Keith! 

Do y'all think she was being too sensitive about the taking off and dancing with another girl and leaving her on her own? Feedback please?

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