Chapter 6- Parent/Teacher Conference

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This one goes out to 3SheShe3, you inspired this one!


Chapter 6

Waking the next morning, I decided that I need to stay away from the darn wine. It gives me killer headaches. Staring in the mirror at my rat’s nest hair, brushing my teeth memories of the night before came back to me. My tooth brush clattered into the sink and I just cringed wondering how I would ever face him again even as a teacher. He must think I am insane. And above all the horror of my behavior he saw me in that lingerie, he must be disgusted that I would wear such things. He saw pretty much every inch of my skin considering that the lingerie was black lace and completely see through.

The worst part is I pretty much forced him to undress me, poor man. Well, at least I can put this dating mess behind me. I am definitely better off alone. What’s done is done and I will just try to avoid him as much as possible for as long as possible and then maybe it won’t be as bad. Tuesday, I need to recover today because I have day shift at the station tomorrow. Just after three o’clock I heard the door slam.

“Mom!” Ava yelled.

“Yeah babe I am up here in my room,” I yelled back.

“Don’t forget parent teachers conferences are tonight,” she said. I cursed. “Mom you okay,” she asked. Guess I cursed a little too loud.

“Yeah I am fine just feeling a little under the weather,” I tell her. She nods her head looking at me like she is thinking “okay crazy old lady” as she walks back out. Jumping out of bed, I forced myself to shower. Going through my closet I figure better go for blue jeans and tshirt.

“Going to p/t conferences honey,” I said.

“K, love you,” she yelled back.

Pulling into the school parking lot I could just vomit at the moment. Just the thought of having to face him was terrifying. He probably can’t even look me in the eye. Making my way down the list of teachers I saved him for last, call me a coward. I know I am. It was a long walk to the gymnasium. As I entered I didn’t see anyone not even him. Letting out a breath I turned to leave.

“Hey, sorry about that I was just grabbing a pop,” he said. As I turned around our eyes met. His eyes did a sweep of my body making me feel as though I was standing here completely nude.

“About last night, I was really drunk. I did and said things that were out of line and out of character for me and I am absolutely humiliated to think of what you had to see,” I said looking at my feet.

“Don’t worry about it happens to all of us,” he said and I could hear the smile in his voice. Looking up sure enough he had a huge smile plastered on his face.

“So you have women force you to take their clothes off often?” I asked defensively.

“No, no that was a new one for me,” he said chuckling.

“Well, it was a new one for me and I am so very sorry. You have no idea how embarrassed I am that you saw well you know,” I said.

“I’m not,” he said. Yeah right, at least he is being nice about the whole situation. “Although, I will say it was rather difficult to sleep last night after that.” Scratch what I said about him being nice.

“Well not all of us can be supermodels like Missy,” I said smarmily as I began leaving. He can write down that I was here for conference or not, I don’t really care at this point! A gentle, warm hand wrapped around my arm pulling me to a stop.

“Hey, what does that mean? If it means that I didn’t enjoy what I saw you are very wrong,” he said with a gleam in his eye. One that I recognized, one that Richard used to look at me with.

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