Chapter 7

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"NO!" I screamed

I started to cry so hard at the sight i was seeing.

"NO PLEASE WAKE UP!" I screamed at the lifeless body

"This can't be real this can't be real" i kept repeating to myself

Cole can't be dead he can't!

"COLE PLEASE WAKE UP COLE PLEASE YOU CAN'T BE DEAD!" I screamed at my best friends lifeless body.

I dropped to my knees and started to shake Cole.

He still wouldn't wake up.

I finally got to hitting his chest.

Still nothing.

My body is too weak and i give up and just lie down clutching Cole my face buried in his chest.

I cried my eyes out.

"Cole please! you can't leave me. y-you just c-can't." i said through my sobs

"I-I Love you!" I kissed his lips and buried my face into his chest again and started to bawl my eyes out even more and worse.

I opened my eyes and sat up breathing heavily and i realised it was all a dream.

I didn't realise how hard i was crying.

I got out of my bed and ran to the door i opened it and ran down the hall to Cole's room i opened the door and closed it i saw Cole lying there i ran up to him and started to shake him crying more violently then ever. he woke up all groggy.

"Why are you waking me up? wait who is waking me up?" He said

He sat up but rubbed his eyes he was still asking why until he heard me violently crying he looked up at me.

"Lydia?" he asked

That was it i couldn't stand it anymore I threw myself at him and just hugged him crying into his chest. he hugged me back asking no questions just shushing me and drawing design on my back with his finger trying to comfort me. he started to lie back so that we were lying in his bed with me in his arms bawling while he comforted me and occasionally kissing my forehead. i calmed down after a while and all that was heard was just sniffles. Cole saw the look in my eyes and decided to not ask any questions so he just kissed my cheek and told me to get some rest and we will talk in the morning. He closed his eyes but i didn't all i could think about was when i had said that i loved Cole in the dream and kissed him. i pushed my thoughts away as i had realised that Cole was now a sleep i stared at his face, and just started to admire it i caressed his face and kissed his forehead.

"Thank You..." i whispered

I looked at him again and i leaned in his lips were inches away from mine. i leaned in the rest of the way and kissed his lips softly.

"Goodnight Cole." i said after i pulled away i snuggled into his chest and then his arms wrapped around me. i thought nothing of it i mean he was a sleep... But boy was i wrong....


*In The Morning When Lydia Wakes Up*

I wake up in the morning in a different place. I look around and remember that i'm in Cole's room. i turn around to see if Cole was there but i find the bed empty i sit up and stretch.

I get out of Cole's bed and i walk outside of his room and downstairs. I see Cole sitting on the couch and I walk over and sit next to him. he avoids my eyes and just twiddles his thumbs awkwardly.


He looks up a bit but then looks back at his thumbs.

"I know what you did last night" he said

"Wha - what?"

"I know you kissed my when you thought i was sleeping..."

"I - I"


"Cole jus-"

"No Cole just listen's. What the hell happened last night. what made you come in my room bawling and why did you kiss me what happened?"

"I - I had a nightmare"

"That explains crying but why did you kiss me? what was the nightmare about?"

"I kissed you because of the nightmare"

"Because of the nightmare?"


"What are you talking about?"

"The nightmare okay!" i yelled i stood up and put my hands in my hair frustrated

"That makes no sense!" he yelled back standing up

"It's hard to explain okay!"

"How is it so hard!?"

"FINE YOU WANT TO KNOW! The nightmare was of you. you were lying on the ground dead okay but i didn't know i was screaming and crying your name saying you can't be dead just can't be because i still need my best friend!" I yelled at him i started to cry again.

"Wha- what?"

I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands.

"I just can't take even the thought of you in that dream cause even though you are standing in front of me it still scares me and i kissed you because my emotions were being toyed with last night and i had to make sure you were here and alive and that you know that i care so much for you, i just i - i don-"

I was stopped by Cole's lips on mine he pulled away and hugged me. i was in shock and i didn't do anything back so he pulled back.

"I- I'm sorry i don't know what came over me i just wanted to let you know also that i am here i am alive and i will never leave your side okay i mean what are best friends for."

I smiled and hugged him.

"Just one thing"

I pulled back and looked at him.

"Can i actually have a full on real kiss not the unresponsive ones i've always wondered what you kiss like and can i see now?"

"Um ya sure i mean it won't hurt if it doesn't mean anything right?"

"Y-ya r-right" he said

He grabbed me and we shared a real kiss it was good i mean i wanted to know what Cole kissed liked and now i know i mean as long as it doesn't mean anything one kiss... (yes we kissed twice before it's just our emotions are very heightened) won't mind i mean it's not like he likes me more than a best friend or anything right?

NO -Relentlessloves

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