CH 5

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"Actually. I would love to know" he said looking at me.

"We'll it's not really that you wouldn't want to know its more like I don't want you to know." I got out of the water and walked to my towel. I say on it and put my sun glasses on cuz the sun was right in my eyes. "We'll why wouldn't you want me to know? I can keep a secret" he said while walking over and stood over me. I took off my sun glasses and looked up at him.

"Listen Mikey don't take this the wrong way but your like the most popular guy in school and your kind of a player." He looked shocked at first but then confused. "What does that have to do with this?" He asked still confused.

"It means you play with a lot of girls hearts. You listen to them pretend you care and you leave. I'm not gonna be that girl that tells you everything about me just to know that it was a waste of time and breath."

"Okay I'm not a player! Name one girl that I ha-" I cut him off.

Ashlin,Abby,Angie,Cassidy,oh and Montana!" I said while getting up again.

"Hey Hannah broke up with ME!" He said defending himself.

"Because you told all your friends about how her mom cheated on her dad!" He stayed quiet.

"See! I don't want to be another one of those girls that you use to get what you want and then open your mouth. You do know that your the reason Hannah's parents got divorced right? Cuz you didn't shut your mouth."

"Ok! I know I messed up in the past! I'm not that good in keeping relationships..." He said while looking down suddenly becoming interested to the sand" "can you explain why?" I asked.

"Cuz I feel like those girls just date me because I was in ABDC and that I'm kinda famous and stuff..." He said still looking at the ground.

"Is that how you think I feel Mikey?" I asked getting closer. He would not look up at me but he nodded.

"Mikey......I've liked you way before you went on ABDC..." I said quietly to him. He looked up at me.

"Really?" He asked confused.

"I can't believe you haven't noticed..."

"Notice what?" He asked still confused as ever.

"Mikey. I've liked you ever since 4th grade, haven't you noticed how every time I'm around you I get nervous,I stutter, I make a complete fool of myself." He looked at me with the biggest smile on his face.

"I really like you too Chanel." He said.

"Really?" Now I was the one confused.

"I started liking you since about.....6th grade. But unlike you I know how to hide them" he started laughing and I punched him in the arm. He looked shocked and starting smirking and coming closer to me. I started to scream and ran to the water. He being too fast caught me with one arm and spun me around. He picked me up bridal style and started running in the water.

"No! Mikey stop! Please don't!" But before I knew it her threw me in the water.


I threw Chanel in the water and she came up and had you head in her hands. Was she crying? Oh no! I went to her and hugged her "I'm so sorry Chanel!" And she started laughing and push me in. "Oh I'm gonna get you!" She screamed and started running but I was too fast for her. I caught her again and spun her around and turned her to me. I looked in her beautiful green eyes.

And the next thing I knew I started leaning in. And...

----------------------------------------------------------------OHHHH WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED?!?! Comment what you think happened! Do you think they kissed or didn't!

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