Chapter Three: Round One

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A kiss so soft, so stunning, that it made me feel like I could conquer the entire world. My body hungered for his touch as he pressed himself up against me, making my dick hard as I growled in response. He tasted like cotton candy and a fresh glass of lemonade on a hot summer's day. I wanted to devour him. To rip off his clothes. To lay him down right here on the sidewalk and enter him as he screamed out my name with pleasure. But no matter how tempting the nasty thought might be, I had to convince myself to get a sense of reality.

I was the first to break the connection between us as I gently sucked on his lower lip. His pupils were wide. His lips a fine shade of pink but also raw as he licked them, perhaps savoring me for later. I smirked from ear to ear. Proud of myself for doing an outstanding job well done. Damn he was sexy as hell. A slender tight little body with an ass that God himself must've created because even he would take the day off just to admire it. I reached out to caress his cheek as he leaned in and closed his eyes for a moment.

"Where did you learn to kiss like that?" He asked.

"I'm a natural-born kisser. I like to take my time and explore the endless possibilities."

"Can we go again?"

I laughed. "Don't tempt me. Sadly I do have to get home myself. Busy day in the AM."

The look of disappointment in his eyes made me want to take the hurt away. To keep him safe from the sadness. He didn't deserve that in this life. Now I understood what my purpose on earth was really about. To meet someone like him so that I could give my heart and soul to this person and treat him the way that he should be treated as my equal. I pulled him into my arms once more and tried to think of the next time when I'd be able to see him again. Because the truth is, I really did like him. Perhaps a bit too much. Maybe not. But all I knew was that I was crazy about him.

Like I was the addict and he was my drug. Together the two of us would turn out to be a dangerous combination of lust and sex. I doubt either of us planned on surviving that outcome when the time came. The urge to have him come stay with me and spend the night proved to the fact that I didn't want him sleeping alone. I wanted him near me always and forever. In short, he was my missing link. The missing piece to my puzzle that would fit just right and make me whole not as a person, but as a man.

"When can I see you again?" He asked as I let my arms fall to my side.

"Is tomorrow too soon?"

He smiled. "This is tomorrow. It's almost morning, after all."

I looked up at the sky and saw the stars start to fade as the early morning horizon chased the moon away to make way for the impending sun.

"Then how about I come see you at work? What time is your break?"

"Well, I don't start till about 10—10:30AM. But I get a forty-five minute lunch break at 2:30 if that works for you."

"Sounds perfect. I look forward to seeing you soon."

Being the gentleman that I was, I offered to drive him home since my car was still parked at the gym. He tried to refuse politely but I wouldn't let him. Telling him that the word no did not compute with my findings within my internal hard-drive. He laughed a subtle giggle that made me love him even more. Everything about this beautiful creature screamed at me to make him mine. To mark him as my very own so that nobody else would have the balls to try and steal him away from me.

I walked him to his roommate's door as he opened it and crossed over the threshold. The sounds of girlish laughter and male groaning caught my attention as he sighed in annoyance.

"Wow. They're still going at it, huh? How long do they go on for?"

"I'd give them another twenty minutes. If not, I'm throwing them both out myself for disrupting the peace."

I laughed. "Well if you need any help. Give me a call."

"How? I don't even have your phone number."

I pulled out my phone and handed it to him as he sent himself a text. Suddenly a door opened and closed as padded feet came strutting down the hallway. A male appeared half-dressed as he stared at the both of us with crazy messed up sex hair. You could tell he was a surfer just by looking at him. He had the lean, toned body and the hair pulled back in a bun and few a statically placed tattoos.

"Hey," he said nodding in our direction. "What's happening?"

"You. Leaving. Now." I replied with my thumb pointing towards the stairs.

He looked me up and down as I flexed my fingers into a fist. Then we watched him bolt down the hall as if his life depended on it. I shook my head as I leaned against the door frame with my arms folded across my chest.

"I thought you were leaving?"

"Don't push me out just yet." I said with a smirk. "I'll go when I'm good and ready."

"Mmm. You're a bad boy."

"You haven't seen nothing yet."

"Is that a challenge?"

"It could be. If you want it to. But I prefer to take my time with you first. I don't like rushing into something too fast."

"And hear I thought you were the type of guy who takes what he wants and doesn't give a shit."

"Well, yes, that's true. But you charm me to the point of no return. You don't want to know all the things that I would do to you right now if we were alone and at my place."

He blushed as he fought back a smile. "I'm going now. Just FYI. I'll see you at 2:30."

"Wait!" I braced my hand against the door. "You never told me your name."

"I know. That's because I didn't give it yet."

My eyes narrowed. "Are you playing hard to get with me?"

"Am I really that obvious? How could you tell?"

"Because you're such a tease. You're playing with fire you know that right."

"Well I brought plenty of water. So suck it up big boy. Night!"

The door slammed shut in my face as I hanged my head with the biggest grin I ever did manage. Okay, alright, if this is the way he wanted to play than I sure as hell was going to be bringing my A-game. Nobody outwits Slade Hunt and lives to tell the tale. Even if he is mine. Oh, this was going to be fun.

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