Chapter Twenty-Two: A Double Date Disaster

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I was feeling anxious the whole ride over on our way to the restaurant. I'd never been on a double date before. Slade kept reassuring me that everything would be fine. That we were just having dinner and not going to the death house. As I called it. I checked my phone again as we pulled up next to a building that offered outdoor seating. The little marker beeped in agreement just as Slade shut off the engine and stepped out. He made his way around and like a gentleman opened my door as I followed, but left my phone in the car.

As we made our way inside, the place was fairly crowded. I felt out of place not to mention a little claustrophobic. I would've preferred to do this sort of thing someplace more quiet, like at home for example. But oh no. Amber just had to have her way. Even though she was the one who suggested that we do this sort of thing in the first place. I was the first to approach the young woman standing next to a stack of menus when it suddenly occurred to me that if I made through this night. I would have to kill Amber.

"Hello. Welcome. Table for two?"

"No," I replied. "We have a reservation scheduled under the name Vixen."

The young lady checks the table chart before highlighting it off with a bright yellow marker. "Ah. Here we are. The rest of the party is already here. If you will please follow me. I can take you to them. This way."

My first step past the podium and already I felt like I was walking into the lion's den. Through the maze of waitresses and tables, we finally arrived at our booth. The voices were so loud that I could hardly think straight. Let alone make out the words that Amber said as she got up from her seat and gave me a hug. Jeremy shook my hand as he did the same with Slade and poured each of us a glass of wine. But I didn't want it. Instead, I politely passed over to Slade who smirked out of the corner of my eye.

Within minutes our orders were taken and our drinks were served. I insisted on the Coke for myself. Amber got the long island iced tea. Slade went with a beer. And Jeremy stayed with the wine. The conversation was relaxed and often idle with various glances around the booth in awkward silence. And just when I thought I was in the clear. Amber opened her mouth and began to speak. Her voice reached my ears, no matter how hard to tried to block it out. It was like watching in slow motion.

"So how did you two meet?" She asked.

"At a party downtown," Slade replied.

"Who made the first move?"

"I did! And I have to say that it was the best decision I've ever done."

I smiled. "Aww, thanks, babe. I'm glad you did too."

"Well, I'm happy for you, Josh. Looks like you finally found the one."

"Thanks, Amber. I really appreciate that."

A half hour later, our waitress returned with our food. I happily took mine and began to eat before anyone else. I was ravenous and nearly halfway done with mine by the time Amber got her second refill.

Slade leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Guess all that sex really put you in the mood for some food. I'm impressed."

I blushed, looking down at my lap. "You started it. I finished it."

"And for dessert?"

"Not sure yet. But I'll let you know."

"I'll be waiting."

* * * *

After dinner, I actually learned quite a bit about Jeremy and Amber's relationship. Amber met Jeremy by chance while waiting in line Starbucks. He had gotten her order by mistake but once she tasted his, they decided to switch things up for a change. And though he was older than her by ten years, I didn't see any harm in why these two shouldn't be dating. He sounded like the perfect fit for her when it came to what she was looking for in a relationship.

"Would anybody like some dessert?" Jeremy asked as he reached for his wallet.

"No. Thank you," I said.

"Thanks for the offer man but I'm good," Slade replied.

I excused myself from the booth as I asked Slade for the keys to his car so I could grab my phone. He handed them to me and I was off and running. Outside, the city was bustling with activity. With our car parked on the other side of the street. I made sure to look both ways before dashing across like Frogger. I went around to the passenger and put the key in the lock as I heard it unlatch and opened the door. I grabbed my phone and was about to check it when a hand covered my mouth and pulled me into the alleyway.

My back flattened against the brick wall as I stared into the eyes of the man from my past. I shoved him off. "Levi?! What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you. I missed you baby."

"And to do that, you scare the hell out of me!"

He chuckled. "Boy, somebody sure is jumpy. What's got you in such a mood?"

"Right now you. I shouldn't even be talking to you."

"Ah, but you are. Have you thought about me lately?"

"What? No. Levi, you're psychotic."

His eyes darkened under the rim of his black cowboy hat. He stepped forward as my body tensed right up, my nails digging into the brick. If need be I could kick him in the balls and run back to the restaurant. Then he placed his hands on either side of me, his face inches from mine. I looked away in an instant. I didn't want to be caught looking into the face that nearly ruined me. He leaned in closer, his warm breath on my neck.

"Levi. Stop. Please. I don't want to do this."

"Why? There was a time when you actually had feelings for me."

"That was before I knew about Miranda. Why don't you go back to her."

"We broke up. Well, actually, she broke up with me for sleeping with my best friend."

I stifled a laugh. "Mmm. And how did that make you feel? I hope it hurt."

"Not nearly half as much as watching you leaving in a trail of dust."

A kiss. His lips lingered on the soft spot of my neck. I shuddered and felt the urge to fight back as my hands tightened into a fist. His lips moved closer to my jaw, kissing my cheek as my breath caught in my throat before he finally claimed my mouth. My body jolted. The sensation sending mixed signals throughout my entire body like a virus in a computer. I remained motionless while Levi tried to get me to open up for him. When it ended, he pulled back slowly, opening his eyes.

"Are you done now?" I asked softly.

"Yes," he breathed.


"Why? What else did you have in mind?"


I built up the power in my leg as I lashed out and kicked him square in the balls as he groaned and dropped to his knees. But I wasn't don't yet. As he looked at me, I sent out a punch that forced him to lay on the ground as I ran out of the alley and spotted Slade and the others standing in front of the restaurant. I didn't have time to waste. I threw myself into his car and cranked the engine as I stomped on the gas and swung the car around. I practically screamed Slade's name before he got the message on my face and jumped in.

In the end, we went back to Slade's place for I knew I'd be safer there. And safe though physically not mentally, my body was still not functioning right. I felt abused and dirty from having his lips on my neck and my mouth. Slade tried to get me to talk to him about it but I just couldn't bring myself to see him hurt like that again. At least not right now.

Author's Note: Hey guys! I'm sorry that this is so late. I've just been busy working on something special for you and playing my new video game that I got on Friday. LOL. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this one like you do all the rest. :) And don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT & FOLLOW for more future updates.

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