Chapter Twenty: Adrenaline Rush!

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The rush of adrenaline was nothing compared to the roar of the engine as I sat behind the wheel of Slade's muscle car. I sighed with content. My heart pounding in my ears as I held on tight and had a good time. Slade sat next to me, his hand gripping the handle by the door like he was ready to bounce at a moment's notice. I watched the needle reach speeds of sixty miles per hour in a forty-five zone in the center of town. I laughed and cheered out loud. Now I know why Slade loves this car so much.

Then at the corner of Sunset Strip, a red light appeared out of nowhere as I slammed my foot on the brake and exhaled for the first time. My hands rubbed around the steering wheel while feeling the rush and growl of the engine that idled underneath the hood. I looked at Slade and he did the same. His eyes were wild, his mouth parted ways but no words came out. I grinned and shook my head. Then I revved the engine not once, not twice, but three times. God, I loved this car! I told Slade as much and he just closed his eyes.

"Okay. You're done. Switch."

"Hell no!" I said. "This is the most fun I've had in a long time."

"Josh," he growled. "I'm warning you."

"You do that. And in the meantime, I'm going to see what this old girl can do."

As I waited with baited breath. A red 4x4 truck pulled up alongside as I risked a quick glance at the driver. Then my veins turned to ice and as the air left my lungs. I turned back to the road and prayed that the drive didn't recognize me the way I recognized him. But it was too late. The words were already in motion and moved across the space between both our cars as I shuddered and gripped the wheel. Levi rolled down his window the rest of the way and switched off the Country music song he was listening to as I muttered out a curse.

"Josh! Hey Josh!" He said and I groaned.

Slade leaned over and took my chin in-between his thumb and forefinger as he brought his lips to mine. The kiss was searing hot and dominate. I gasped, his tongue sliding in as I let him take control. I imagined him looking over my shoulder. No doubt giving Levi the evil eye as we continued for another few moments. And when he pulled back. His thumb wiped across my bottom lip. I looked into his eyes and for a moment I thought I saw a glimpse of something lurking behind them. Almost like a spark before the flame ignites.

"Destroy him," Slade said, and I nodded like a robot.

I turned back to the road. My hands on the wheel as I counted down the seconds on the crosswalk sign until the light turned green. But the second that red light disappeared, I punched the accelerator and held on for dear life as my back slammed against the seat. And I didn't stop there. With so little traffic this time of night. It made swerving in and out of lanes that much more exciting, if not dangerous at the same time. While a quick glance in the rearview mirror told me that Levi was right behind us and gaining.

Sunset Strip. A mile and a half stretch of Sunset Boulevard that passes through West Hollywood and extends towards its eastern border before finally connecting to its western border into Beverly Hills at Sierra Drive. And just when things were going well. A row of cars blocked my path. I ached to get around them but with my advancing speed and the way these cars were going, I knew I had to do something fast. Then Slade chimed in, his hand pointing out to the oncoming lane.

"Go. Now."

I looked ahead and noticed a cop car. "What? Are you crazy?"

"Josh," he warned. "Just do it. Trust me. I'll get us out of this mess. Now, do as I say."

I swallowed hard. But the lump in my throat was still there by the time I cranked the wheel and came face to face with the approaching SUV and its flashing red and blue lights. I stepped on the gas. And at the last second turned the wheel once again as I came back over onto my lane. My eyes were wide, my palms sweating. I looked back and watched as the cop car skidded to a halt and aimed to make a U-turn. Another glance and Levi was doing the same thing. Christ, why won't this guy leave me alone?

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