Twenty Chapter-Six: The Answer

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That same night I couldn't get the mental image of the key out of my head. I placed it down on the nightstand so it wouldn't get lost while Slade played with the puppy in the other room. I want you to move in with me. His words echoed themselves in my mind only that it wasn't the answer I was expecting myself to say. I told him that I wanted to sleep on it. To think it over. But why? What was the reason for that, I wondered.

Because you're afraid. Afraid of the unknown. Said a voice in my head. You think that because of what happened with Levi, that moving in with Slade might be too quick and if something were to go wrong, it would be like history repeating itself all over again. But you do love him, right" "Yes," I heard myself say. Then what's the problem? It's not in your head but within your heart. Learn to open up to the idea of love. For it's the only thing that will set you free.

I stared at the key for a moment longer. Until I heard a gentle knock behind me. I startled myself at the noise as I jumped slightly and glanced over my shoulder at Slade. He leaned in, his eyes staring at me before walking into the room. Then he wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my neck. I molded into his embrace. My mind turning away from such thoughts as I looked away from the key and stared at the wall.

"You've been in here a while. I was beginning to wonder."

"About what?" I asked.

"That you already made up your mind about not wanting to move in with me."

"You're right. I am still thinking about it. But I haven't made my decision. And in the morning I will let you know. Promise."

He squeezed me tighter. "Good. Now, come back into the living room. Our puppy needs some extra attention."

I smiled as he let me go and turned to face him. "That reminds me. Have you thought of any names for him yet? What shall we name him?"

"I'm not sure. But as you said, we can sleep on it. We don't have to decide right away."

"Very well. Anything special for dinner tonight?"

"I've taken the liberty of ordering us some take-out. It should be here soon."

In the living room, the TV was switched on. But the volume was turned down low. I went to the couch in search of a more furry companion and I had found him. Lying down with its head resting on its two front paws. It perked up once it saw me. I reached out and picked it up. Placing it on my lap as it stood on its hind-legs and tried to kiss me. With its tail wagging, I offered to help it by bringing it closer to my face.

Its tongue was small and wet, but it got the job done. I laughed at the sensation. Slade sat done at the opposite end and watched as I made a face before pulling the puppy away. I wiped the drool from my cheek with my shirt and placed the puppy on the floor in front of us. While the puppy had attempted its first real woof and my heart exploded at the sight. It trotted around the coffee table then stopped as it looked up at Slade with curiosity.

"Awww. Pick him up and hold him." I said.

"Okay. Fine."

As Slade reached down, the puppy backed up a bit and growled. I arched a brow. "Whoa. What's gotten into him? What did you do?"

"Nothing! I didn't do anything wrong. We were just playing."

Slade tried it again. But the puppy refused and ran behind the coffee table. I frowned and got up as I followed and picked up the poor little guy. He crawled into my arms, his chest heaving. His poor little heart beating faster than a jackhammer. I sat down next to Slade and once again the puppy growled in warning.

"Maybe he just needs to warm up to you a little bit," I said.

"No, he was like this when I picked him up from the breeder. I had to let the lady carry him out to my car because he wouldn't let me near him. But when you were in the other room, he seemed fine. It's bizarre."

"Or it could be that he's just playing with you. Give him some more time. I'm sure he'll come around in the end."

A knock at the door brought our heads around as Slade left to see who it was. Within moments our dinner had arrived and it smelled heavenly. Chinese food was always my favorite take-out. And with Sesame chicken on my mind, my stomach couldn't help but growl. Slade was kind enough to put the food on our plates as he brought them over and gave me mine. I set the puppy down between us while we ate silence, staring at the TV which was showcasing a UFC match.

The two men were brutal as they unleashed their wrath upon each other. Blow after blow. Their desire for winning only added fuel to the fire that resided within them. Slade was elsewhere, his eyes glued to the screen by the time I finished my dinner and went to put the plate in the sink. Soon after I took a shower and climbed into bed. The puppy joined me a few minutes later as it laid beside me.

I picked up the key and stared at it again. "What do you think I do?" I asked the puppy. The puppy barked, its tail wagging. "You're right. I am being silly."

An hour passed before I turned out the light and went to sleep. And it didn't take long for Slade to join me as he slid in beside me and put his arm around my chest. I stirred softly, but I didn't wake. Just the sound of my own voice whispering in the night as I spoke the words that would seal the deal.

"Yes," I muttered. "I'll move in with you."

Author's Note: Hey, guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. :) Please remember to VOTE, COMMENT & FOLLOW for more future updates. Love you all.

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